Bunny Legion Makes Survivors DC – Dead by Daylight

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Bunny Legion Makes Survivors DC – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be playing killer as the bunny legion, hope you all enjoy!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/naymeti

Join our discord – https://discord.gg/uJ3SG3ucHT

Previous video: https://youtu.be/-Obd6piZgRE

My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack

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48 thoughts on “Bunny Legion Makes Survivors DC – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think mmr works as you get a base line being whatever your rank is and it places you against people of your rank if you preform normal you stay stagnant if you under perform it places you with people who also under performed in the same rank and vise versa if you over perform. But they 100 have a way more specific mmr system in place I find way less of those super out of place survivors and killers in my games.
    Edit: now that I reread what I said it’s kinda unclear. I’m believing that they are working their mmr system off of performance instead of rank to be more specific for example in cod they don’t only rank you off win lost they also take k/d and previous played games into account for dbd it’s prob taking your blood point average depending on the killer(cause some killers get it easier than others) and using that as a way to measure your performance. And maybe chase time because if your struggling to down that own survivor maybe they are out of your skill range

  2. it’s great to see you play legion. i’ve been a legion main for over a year now and it’s interesting to see an excellent player playing my main. glad to see i do a lot of the same things when i play killer haha

  3. Another great video! I know you probably have a regular, busy life outside of youtube, but I would love longer content! Totally understandable if you cant; just know that some of us cant get enough 😀

  4. I think that you are right that your MMR would still have gone up. It seems the new MMR system is giving killers a worse time. On the back end, certain things seem to be considered a + to MMR while the game itself feels bad, like a non-win, or even feeling like a loss. I wonder if this will bring up considerations for a rebalance, or an update to the MMR system…

  5. I play mobile dbd and I have been trying to decide what killer to buy next and I didn’t even know bunny legion existed until this video. I’m gonna buy the legion just for the skin 😁

  6. The SBMM works very similar to the way the emblem system rewards you on two very important factors when it comes to how much ranking you gain per match;

    The first being that it looks for the killer to get 9 or more hooks to reward them. This makes it possible to get a small gain of MMR by hooking all survivors twice and 1 kill.

    The second largest factor is making the game last as close to 10min as possible. This also means survivors who are rushing to "Win" generally do not see as much MMR gain because it doesn't give enough time for altruism points. This makes using corrupt intervention EXTREMELY powerful as it will guarantee you 2min or 20% of your match time needed to increase MMR consistently.

    If a killer wants to gain as much BP as possible while stagnating their MMR they want to get 2 hooks on every survivor for a total of 8, and allow all survivors escape.

  7. Another great video. Question, is there a killer that you personally are bad with? You mentioned “lower tier” killers but I’m curious to see if maybe you’re not that good with a higher tier killer.


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