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Kate sounds.
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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer horror game where one player is the Killer and four others are Survivors trying not to disconnect. Enter The Dark Lord, aka Dracula from Castlevania (because Konami said, “sure”). Watch as Dracula unleashes his full arsenal: fireballs, wolf form, bat form, fireballs, wolf form, bat form, fireballs, fireballs, and the most dangerous weapon of all—fireballs, I mean… his annoying laugh.
#DBD #DeadByDaylight #Legion #GamingComedy #HorrorGame
Kate is the only one on the team to say the most epic phrase xd I loved the part where he runs for the power of fire
Somar: Good Grief 🤣
Hey “Rablats” this might sound cringy but I’m gonna say it. You are if not the funniest animation channels I’ve watched, every video is funny and never fails to make me laugh at least a little, thanks a lot!
Wait, that bat sound effect taken from StarCraft?
Love how they all speak, then there’s just Kate who just grunts 😂
Ugh, I wish drac could stop with the theatrics
that no dialog kate voice is just crazy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Too bad Trevor doesn't have a Richter legendary outfit, then we could have "Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!"