Commence The Weskin'

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It is officially Weskin’ Time™: Albert Wesker has joined Dead by Daylight’s roster of killers for its second Resident Evil Chapter, Project W. He does wall slams, wooshes, and has some great catchphrases. These are a couple initial games from DBD’s public test build, learning to play him.

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Background Music:
by i$mael jam

#dbd #deadbydaylight #wesker


39 thoughts on “Commence The Weskin'”

  1. after being fully infected, they are affected by hindered and hitting them with m2 downs them instantly though I think you still need to hit a wall or you throw them, not sure because I have not tested that. Also throwing them and them not hitting a wall wont damage them but if they hit a wall during the throw it will damage or down them.

    thats how I understood it after two games 😀

  2. Dude I've wanted Demodoge to be able to vault barrier like that for ages

    That's fucking awesome that they finally have a killer who can do that stuff.

    Maybe we'll finally get an Alien killer now that they have the experience with coding these kinds of thing 😍

  3. it's weskin' time, I say, as I get mori'd by Wesker and get completely obliterated by uroboros.

    Also Yerv you should try Wiretap with Repressed. It keeps the killer from removing the wiretap as long as it's blocked.

  4. In built mobility, vaulting pallets, if the survivor is near a deadend he can FORCE them into it by lunging them. throw them if there is no wall to hit.

    Super fucking cool but definitely going to take a bit of time to counter the last 2 bits of his power

  5. Okay so, basically, Wesker's Power:

    You get two lunges, sort of like a nurse blink but fair. If you catch a survivor during the lunge, they're infect and you drag them further. If you hit a wall, they take damage. If you don't, you throw them. If they hit a wall while flying, they take damage. You can also slap two survivors into each other and injure both.

    If you down a survivor via the lunge wall splat, you instantly pick them up. Fully infected survivors will instantly go down, but only on a splat, allowing you to instantly pick them up. Fully infected survivors have something like a 5% hindered until healed.

    Survivors get chests like Nemy, but you get cans of deodorant that take ~5 to 6 seconds to use, with two uses per can. Limited number, like Nemy.

  6. Yerv, I have finally figured it out. I cracked the code and figured out the BEST way to collect salt in dead by daylight. Forget basement Bubba and noed. Playing the best killers isn't even necessary either. All you need to do is slug. Survivors lose their minds over it and there is no counter to it and on top of that it makes it so much harder for survivors to deal with too.

    I use STBFL (get those downs sooner), no way out (never had is proc but just in case (; ), discordant (so I can hunt those pesky survivors down faster), and deadlock (just to have the game last a little bit longer).

    I like to play pig simply because I got over 200 of the anniversary bloodpoints but I can certainly see this build working on anybody.

    In truth though you could use any perks or killers you want and the results are much better than they have any right to be


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