Is MMR Working? ~Dead by Daylight~

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If it is, what does it mean for the future of DbD?
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44 thoughts on “Is MMR Working? ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. Surv SoloQ during the mmr test felt like an optimal swf, 5 gens done in 5 mins kinda every game and killer got an avg of 4 hooks per game with 0-1 kills. Playing killer instead was painful: the amount of 4 man swf I got skyrocketed and the clicky clicky sounds gave me PTSD. Not gonna lie after the 4th killer game I switched to "survivor only" for the rest of mmr test.

  2. Alot of people I've talked to say they're okay to have to play sweaty games as it'll show the imbalance of the game and they'll change it.

    The problem i see is that it's gonna take them years to do so.

  3. I personally have wanted this MMR system for a long time because I’ve never felt like I belonged in red ranks. I’m a solo queue casual player on CONSOLE. Matches are stressful enough having to rely on my rando teammates to help out. I’m not the best juker and I don’t even use flashlights. Why am I put up against rank 1 hags or spirits that tunnel me down when there’s only been 1 gen done in the match? It’s just not my thing. And if I have to play killer? I usually just wait until rank decay every month.

    I don’t even mind losing, it’s just the fact that the skill difference is very notable in practically all my games. The MMR test was hell but I’m all for it, and I’ll participate as much as I have to if it means I eventually get to actually enjoy the game without bringing in a sweaty SWF team.

  4. I tried to learn the trickster this mmr test and yikes. Who knew a rank 7 is a god apparently going against only rank ones. Btw I got destroyed since I had no perks.

  5. I don’t feel like they should implement MMR. However, I do feel like they should continue with these sort of MMR events. Just so they can obtain more and more data that they can use to slowly balance the game.

  6. I personally played around 8+ matches with trickster rank 1, I had 1 EXTREMELY good game where I had to put all my skills to the test, I won, and I had a LOT of fun, all the others were pretty much the usual, bad survivors and 1 dead on hook or dc most of the time, so in 8 games, 1 really perfect matched game, 2-4 usual games (means easy win) and 2-4 dc dead on hook matches.

    so unless they make the MMR be generous on the skill difference, like sometimes the game will be like, okay you won 3 games in a row wiht only 2 gens, have higher mmr survivors than you for the next one, if you win again, it will keep your mmr to theirs so you will have a slightly harder time than before, and if you have too many 1-2 kills, they could sometimes face with you with lower mmr so you have a good game and get your happy mood back, I wouldn't mind it being like this

  7. Had two matches with the MMR on the the killer I main and put well over 1K hours into. That was enough. I was so mentally exhausted playing against a 3-4 man SWF playing at top form. It just was not fun and I just kind of stopped playing after that.

  8. Is it just me or do less people know how to effectively play against Hag now? Even during the test.

    And I was NOT playing good. Had a bunch of bad teleports and made a lot of chasing/placement mistakes (a bit rusty)

  9. I think they should make a non ranked mode. Everyone gets paired with everyone and tone down perks, add-ons and items. Then in ranked allow killers to ban up to 3 perks of their choosing and select 2 random survivors to ban 1 perk each for the killer. No more DS/UnB/SoulG. This could be reviewed and adjusted so non ranked is fun for everyone and ranked can be left to the sweats if they choose to be sweaty all the time

  10. Matches were horrible: unbalanced ( red ranks surv VS baby killer without proper perks ) I my case My rank 7 killer was all the time against 4x red ranks with best perks and gear and there was no difference what killer i played. I downgraded my rank to 18 but still the same just sometimes some noob surv jumped to the grp but rest red ranks didn't even helped him. 🤮

  11. Yea I got some god damn sweaty swf when I played killer 😂 was insane I was still doing good but they just had everything to rush gens super quick

  12. Couldn't agree more. MMR will be super horrible to play, but hopefully the devs can get some actually useful DATA from it, which they adore so much. Maybe then things will change.

  13. Here's why mmr is doomed for failure. It's main goal, is to increase matchmaking and decrease queue times. Making every game a sweatfest for the killer (which is what mmr wíll do), makes it so less and less people are willing to play killer. This, in turn, will massively INCREASE queue times. Before the devs can get enough data to balance the game, 75% of all killer players will have already quit.

  14. I see it a bit differently. As Killer i got only red rank survivors anyways. I am not in the red ranks as killer. Pretty much at the green rank mark i got red rank survivors. Some chill but most of them far better than me (before this test). I think it will be fine for most players. I see what you mean tho. I guess maybe i am a bit short sided, but i will certainly welcome it. If it will be like the test. It was so much fun for me. 😊

  15. ngl, I felt like the matchmaking as killer was much better than matchmaking as a survivor. As a red rank survivor I kept getting gray rank killers with little experience who just got bullied all game, as killer I got paired with people who weren't overly experienced to bully me and give me the chance to warm up to a new killer. As time went on I do feel like my matches balanced out to be fairly good by the end with me typically getting survivors of my skill level. I never had overly sweaty matches or easy as hell matches. It was still a challenge and I certainly didn't 4k every match so to be honest I like the MMR system because before that test I just constantly got 4 man sweatfest swf matches that made me wanna cry >->

  16. They never gonna balance the game for high skill. If they would be interested in doing so, they would have done it a long time ago. But the meta has been the same 5 perks for years.

  17. For me during the test.. When I played killer, it was a slaughterfest through most of it.. And it was also WAY too easy for me as survivor all the way through.. On killer side it DID get harder towards the end of the test though. So there is that. ( Keep in mind I DID use my best killers with builds that where not memes setups towards the end. Because I was facing more of the small P builds towards the end. And I was not in the mood to deal with them and be nice basically. Those being Hag, Myers, Freddy, and Wraith. I also played Legion 1 game, Spirit 1 game, Leatherface 1 game during the end part. My Spirit game ended up more in a tie if anything but I was not using a gen regression build. My Leatherface game ended with 1 survivor getting hatch but I think that was more due to them being kinda took hook swarmy vs a leatherface than anything else.. And my Legion build was one sided.. I killed them all. Keep in mind I used my best build on Legion though and, once again.. They where way too into saving each other at the exact time one was placed on a hook. )

    All that said though.. The amount of games I had was way too high for the MMR system to finally get things right.. It was very, very one sided matches for the most part other than that on both sides that I played. I was constantly placed against either low hour count players or players who have a LOT of hours but never got to rank 5 little alone rank 1. ( A very impressive feat to do that with those hours considering but still. )

  18. Honestly they didn't feel that bad, i'm a red rank killer, got pretty decent survivors, however i hardly see certain perks being used as much as before, Dead hard and SB is maybe the most seen so far, but i don't mind them, Unbreakable is also something to watch out and so is BT, but again those aren't such a problem, then usually a filler perk in the middle. Sure the survivors were sweaty, but those being ones in comms together, some being in solo make the game okay for the killer, i really don't think i actually came across a sweat feast two times only, most people were chill and some were even goofing around just enjoying the game.

  19. I keep hearing this argument that killers will face sweatier survivors and I don't get it. Just… don't play sweaty and you'll have matching non-sweaty survivors? There are non-sweaty survivors too and they need to be matched against matching killers, so if you don't want sweaty matches, don't be sweaty yourself and you'll get them instead. All this, of course, assuming that MMR actually works as intended, which wasn't quite working when I was testing it. I got a mix of everything so I don't think it's ready for release yet.

  20. All they need to do is take the MMR System and implement it in a Ranked/Competitive queue instead of making it the only option. Then they get the balancing data they claim to need without ruining the experience of DBD. The real problem with MMR is that it Thanos snaps casual play, which is a huge part of the game's appeal. Most people don't play a half-finished game with a 6-month dev cycle because they're looking for an esports experience, and BHVR need to come to grips with that fact.

  21. im not gonna stress like hell every match when its gonna live.. no thanks unninstal then instantly or will be depiping and afking until normal players will appear again.. simple as that.. thanks bhvr..

  22. don't forget about the autoban, it'll make playing Killer even way more stressful. Yes, this MMR has been stressful because I have been up against sweaty players. But please don't forget about the autoban. I heard from someone who made an example from World of Warcraft where when the autoban feature was added in that game, players were abusing the hell out of it. By abusing it, I mean spamming reports on players to get them banned. Now IMAGINE that in Dead by Daylight, the devs are making a huge mistake. Because once the autoban drops in, expect a purge of Killer players and a very long time of waiting in the lobby.

  23. I’m not going to say if the MMR system was a great or bad since in one hand I don’t Ike going against weaker survivors, but I’m the other hand, I don’t like having to go try hard every match. I’m surprised I even got the Rank 1 Killer achievement during the MMR testing. TLDR I got mixed feelings about it.

  24. yeahhh i have NOT had fun with the game during all this
    i freely admit i'm not a red rank. hell i've been struggling to stay at rank 10 before this, but for some reason since the MMR dropped i think i've had like two games where at least half the team isn't red against me.
    anyone wanna guess how that went?

  25. Before MMR, I am able to 4k 90 percent of the game and the game last between 15 to 40 min. After the mmr was implemented, I am able to 4k between 10 to 20 min , my games werent difficult they were easy lmao

    Also as a solo survivor , I was faced against really strong killers with strong perks and strong add ons. The only matches that i lost was against two nurses , and the twins.

    Overall, It wasn't a challenge playing as killer because i got placed against weak survivors lol

    I do remember going against a swf who ended up beaten me when i was using trickster, after the match was over. I saw that the whole team had no perks, seriously a strong team indeed.

  26. My experience was completely horrible all sweat squads when I played my mains and all noobs when I played other killers it was even worse as survivor as the killer would often be good and my teammates were horrendous. I don’t think this system will ever work because once you hit a certain skill point you are locked to essentially only playing / playing against Nurse or Spirit.

  27. When MMR starts working people aren't gonna wanna play killer against sweaty teams. The fact is most killers still suck against competent teams but it wasn't as obvious because you were facing absolute potatoes most games.


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