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I would have laughed at anyone who said Ringu would come to Dead by Daylight. Not sure if I’m dumb or they’re desperate. Granted The Ring kind of freaked me out as a kid. And I did a Jojoke.
Awesome People
Chibi Artists:
Comic/Thumbnail Artist:
Sadako Voice:
Steve Harrington Voice :
Ending Theme
Undertale- Dating Fight
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Lol full comic please
Just thought that I’d mention, since you said you can’t think of anything to do with the new perks, that the new scourge hook is really cool on huntress. Coconut did a video on it. It’s worth a watch.
Wow the quality of your vids is getting greatly better! Great job to you and the people who helped making it!
Nice to see ya back!
They just released buffs – so some of this info is already incorrect (numbers wise).
"Kill the French"…. so nerf the Twins?
Love the South Park refrences
Joseph is the best Joestar dont @ mr
I can't hear that song at the end without thinking of old Alpharad ads.
I got my eyes on you
Is this dude a republican?
8:14 dunno how it was a distraction, it was actually pretty interesting for me. Not to mention funny too
The new Scourge hook is pretty cool
I have never felt a more personal act of god than BHVR reducing Sadako's heartbeat range to 24 meters less than a single hour after I release this video… Good grief.
Tell me your favorite Jojo OP I guess. Mines "Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town".
Hate to be that person, but Rin/The Spirit is much more inspired by Kayako from the Grudge than Sadako. The franchises are unrelated, but still fit under that massively popular creepy Japanese ghost woman curse franchises umbrella. Japanese love them some vengeful spirits and urban legends. Thanks. Now I'm ahead of my 'UM, WELL, ACTUALLY' nitpick quota this week.
Can you do a depressed guide next ?
Rowby you need to read the JoJo manga. I need your opinions on Johnny and Gappy.
her perks suck? LMAO
Recent Patch Notes moment.
Animated comic was big funny
Why is it every time I see Rowby upload anything it puts me in a good mood?
dude, have you even SEEN the rule34 of sadako? a ton of people are going to want to swipe right. and im talking about like… A TON of people.
and yes sadako is canonically 19 so go ham.
Ah yes another great entry into the “Jerks guide” cinematic universe.
It's actually supposed to be Unmanifest, but I doubt they'll change it
lol release patch notes just came out after this video, theyre giving her some buffs boisss
I'm subscribed and watch all of your stuff, but Youtube never recommended me that last video. I'm assuming because it wasn't DBD. That's kinda fucked up.
I feel like I haven't watched you in ages, but I was glad to find when I came back I only missed one upload
Technically nurse noed wouldn’t work if her teleport hit worked like other abilities that give you free hits
Part 5 bad???? I thought it was better than part 2 imo
Just don't kick any other instructors in the balls if you get frustrated with DBD like all of us have from time to time. Sweet video, man!
A real jojo fan would put Joseph Joestar at 1st place
Dayum, Jotaro over Joseph? Them's fighting words!
You are just waiting for new killers so you don't have to learn nurse. Mad respect, but I need to know how to play this hoe and I have fewer chromosomes than you so please figure her out.
Been waiting for this video for so long, thank you man.
Stay frosty.
All these videos and the biggest Hot take Rowby ever put out was putting Giorno and Joseph Below Jolyne.
I’m so glad you’re covering her, I never get tired of your explanations on how bad Behaviour‘s writing is. I also love the little Lost Ark joke
BHVR does tease upcoming chapters using other chapters and cosmetics (Kate's Free Spirit shirt). Perhaps Bateman really is on the docket.
So she has a built-in whispers
Hey Rowby, random question. What do you think is the main downside to DBD as of this moment and what would you do to change it? Just need your personal opinion, also keep up the good work.
Another banger vid. Love the comic sections too.
"These perks suck" and "Plaything was a game changer." These perks are all strong and nobody uses Plaything because survivors just ignore it.