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On today’s video, I’m showcasing what’s possibly one of the absolute best builds you can run as a Solo player, giving you info about your team and surroundings as well as some perks to help extend your chases.
0:00 Original Build
8:52 The Bubba Incident
9:45 Variation Build
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2 minutes, 3 gens btw
I think the Best build for soloQ is
Urban evasion
Sprint burst
Sole survivor
Self care – Left behind
Hey, Otz. Something you could have done better: when you figured out the gen in the center map was wire tapped, and at 5% progress, the gen should not be done. It should be left, giving info on the killer's movement.
As a killer main, I find myself constantly patrolling the gens when survivors decide to play slow and sneaky. And sense that gen is in the middle of the map, it would be safe to assume the killer will be passing by the tapped gen several times on his way to the other gens.
Even though it only lasts 2 minutes, it can be placed on the same gen multiple times, as long as the person with the perk is doing gens as well, meaning with upkeep, that gen CAN be tapped the whole game.
I find DH, Resi, Adren, and Windows is a damn solid combo for me. Possibly swap out windows for Wake-up as well. Wake-up is truly GOATed in solo Q, trust me, it’ll save your ass quite often.
As a constant Red rank 1 Solo Q player the best perk is Bond! You have no idea how many times you see other players not doing gens or just hiding! A must 100% 😂
imo calm spirit and distortion are top tier perks for solo survivors – why engage in chases if you don't have to, lean into the hide & seek game.
DS is not good anymore
i use the same build with open handed and empathy instead of lithe and decisive. lets me get extended aura reading range for the other 3 perks and tells me what to do the entire match, I've been running it for years now lol <3
It's almost the same solo Q build as mine, i just use deja vu instead of DS.
That POG Dead Hard actually saved you the game at 16:15 talk about GOATed
Is Off the Record a better choice then Decisive?
This is one of my favorite videos to watch from you recently Otz!!! Great explanation, excellent execution and superb demonstration. Thank you sir!! 😄
there're a lot of tunneling happens in my games and I'm not good at chases so my build is:
– Windows of Opportunity
– Decisive Strike
– Dead Hard
– Off the Record
in the best scenario you've got 3 second chances: off the record, hit + you run, you down (or go into a locker to avoid slugging), strike saves ur ass + you run, hit into dead hard and you run for a last down = you buy a lot of time and helps your team this way
plus, off the record can also help you to avoid tunneling bc it hides your aura and noises for 80 (?) seconds so you can run away and heal successfully
With these perks I buy a lot of time for my teammates if I ever get tunneled and at least I receive some bolds points instead of nothing. If you're advanced and actually good at chases, so yeah, you could replace Windows and Off the Record with Adrenaline and kindred as well, those are really good perks tho
I'm playing with this build for like 3 days and my dbd game experience became better. at least I have the motivation to play in case I'm being tunneled
my plans for testing out a build when a bubba with more than 1000 hours joins the lobby:
I have a build that's been doing wonders for me and i only play solo: Small Game-overzealous- Deja Vu and Inner Strenght.
Best swf build: windows of opportunity, deja Vu, overcome, reactive healing
This is literally my build, but I use Alert instead of DS for more info.
I recently reached Rank 1 for the first time with almost the same build. WoO and Lithe, tho I ususally prefer Autodidact/Adrenaline and Bond.
Works really well, especially if you dont use items.
I can recommend the "Aftercare" + "We'll make it" combo in Solo Q. Since you unhook or heal your teammates in basically every game. After that "Aftercare" makes you see their auras not only while someone is hooked but for the entire time until you are hooked again, and with no distance restriction. And the heal speed bonus from "We'll make it" means that healing as many teammates as you can (to see their auras) isn't so time consuming.
These chases were fun to watch. Regardless that some people think that your survivors are as old as your hour count, we still love watching you <3
my to go build when i play,, either with friends or solo is kindred, adrenaline, open-handed and 4th perk is free, usually it we'll make it. kindred+open-handed combo is so fun for me, just being able to see killer aura in 32 meter radius helps a lot. really wish open-handed worked with wiretap
Kindred is such a cute perk but after dying 3 times in a row on my second hook (no one come to save, killers did not proxy camp, and have not any blindness perks/addons) i gave up, it feels like no one reads auras and HUD anyway 😭
Kindred should be part of base kit as nerfed ultimate weapon.
Killers tunneling so much out of anger over the gen changes it’s getting out of hand! Three gen where bad for the game’s health!
This build is perfect because it still has my universal crutch: Windows of Opportunity.
Me personally I find windows very useful to me because I have a bad problem with not remembering where certain pallets are on the map 😂even if I’ve been playing since 2018
My favourite build for solo Q is:
– windows – obvious
– lithe – obvious
– empathy – seeing every injured survivor map wide is huge, it tells you when killers is if someone is in chase, allows you to easily find people that need healing and regroup if necessary
– prove thyself – this + empathy allows to reliably have a teammate for gens and getting that sweet +10% on both of you is great, if third person comes it's even better
i prefer off the record istead of decisive strike
waarom zijt ge zo fucking zelfingenomem
My favorite build for solo queue is:
Open Handed
Seeing nearby survivors/looping and getting info on aura reading perks is quite nice
I was the yui in the first match!! The other teammates we had were my friends and we tried our best to get you out. but I feel honored to play with you even if it was anonimously
Why would you use ds when off the record is objectively better in every way?
Otz is so mid with his dexterity. I love it though for some reason
I literally do not take kindred off. It’s too good for information as a solo.
Me – Misses Chucky attack 7 times before finally hitting someone….
Otz – "I thought that attack was unmissable".
My main issue with Decisive Strike is that it instantly de-activates if I try and do anything of value. If I'm not doing anything of value, I'm probably not going to get tunneled and won't get any value out of Decisive… But if I do something of value within a minute of being unhooked, there's a pretty high chance of me getting tunneled and Decisive is no longer there to help me.
I think if it was changed so that the de-activation timer went down x10 faster while healing/repairing instead of just instantly de-activating I'd probably consider running it.
I roll with, Kindred, No one left behind, Windows, and Lithe. Sometimes I'll switch windows for deja vu. Gives me a lot of info!
im sure we've all heard enough bitching about this, but for the last month, i swear the killers have been tunneling every single game. so its nice to see Otz basically advertising ds 👍
"Hello friends, this is Otz. Or at least until you wake up."
My man dropped god pallet 10 seconds into chase with a chucky 😂😂😂
Chucky to me is so fun to play against
for me personally its DH, Resilence, WoO and Adren