How Fast Can A Match Fall Apart…? | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review

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Survivors. Give em an inch and they’ll take a damn MILE. BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t fight back

In today’s gameplay review, we discuss one of the strongest openings to a game ive ever seen, and how it devolved into utter madness.


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer,


14 thoughts on “How Fast Can A Match Fall Apart…? | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review”

  1. I just started playing this year. Thank you to the community for accepting me with open arms<33 I'm thankful I haven't had to deal with the toxic side of the community. Special thanks to Pixel Bush, Azhymovs, Pain Reliever, and Dyllon for getting me in to my new favorite game and showing me how to play to the best of my abilities<33

  2. This was a great in depth analysis. The guy is a great huntress player- no doubt about that and these were not boosted survivors by a long shot.
    It's very safe to say he played that match as fair as you can get, I think. And really is a textbook example of survivors taking a mile from any inch you've, rightly or wrongly, given them as killer.

    What I do like about this game is a win is what you've set it out to be. I know for a lot that's a 4K. For me personally, a PIP holds more value just because it tells me I've not only got hooks, but applied pressure, used the killer's power e.t.c 2K with 10 hooks I really don't consider a loss at all. Not even a tie but all relative and again I think it's great that it's open to interpretation.
    Personally I get annoyed if I 4k and get brutal. That tells me the match was very 2 dimensional but that can happen with overly altruistic players. The exception being, if it's a bunch of toxic players who flash click, all try and hit me with Head on or just tea bag the entire time- I won't hesitate to slug and just get out of the match asap. The most toxic I ever saw, where I did return the favour, was a 3 man mori in the basement. Sort of wish I let the solo player go as she was the only one who wasn't toxic but it is what it is.

    Coming full circle- I really enjoy these videos and I can't wait to see more!


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