29 thoughts on “How Good Will “Shoulder the Burden” Actually Be? – Dead by Daylight”
It'll be an okay-ish perk for good swfs and a team killer for everyone else. I look forward to being able to just get 4 – 6 hook stages off of a weak link or being able to IMMEDIATELY have someone on death hook. Overall, this perk BENEFITS killer, and I can't wait to take advantage.
I used it in the PTB and I think it's really good for me because I tend to be running for all the saves with a healing build and sticking on gens if there's no one to save. It's certainly not everytime, but there have been quite a few times in which someone is on death hook when I haven't been hooked yet. I would much rather "buy" them an extra hook state instead of trying to throw myself at the killer to divert pressure off of them. And in the case of someone being on death hook and me being hooked once, I am happy if others can get out so I will gladly put myself on death hook instead of them if it means they have a higher chance of getting out. The exposed is so so, because it's best not to unhook someone if the killer is still close by anyways so best option is to wait nearby for them to get preoccupied with something and then get the save.
This perk will make less of a dent than Reassurance did. It is good, and definitely don't need a buff, but I'm already seeing posts on Reddit from people who genuinely have no idea when you'd ever want to actually use it saying it is one of the worst perks ever made.
My whole gripe is with the "argument to stop tunneling" being "just run anti tunnel perks." Like, no??? I want to run MY perks??? Why should I have to sacrifice my whole build and my own fun just to stop the killer from being an asshole, and if the killer isn't an asshole and doesn't tunnel then I just don't have any perks. It's the stupidest "counter" to ever exist. There needs to be something against hard tunneling that's just in the game. I'm not smart enough to figure out what it is, I don't really trust that bhvr are, but there are people who know better that I hope get listened to some time.
I think you’re thinking too hard about this perk, the reasoning it’ll more than likely be good is for the fact that killers don’t see hook states on survivors, there’s currently no way other than counting hooks yourself to see whose on what hook.
The biggest enemy of killer is time, if you’re going after someone who you think is dead to get them out the game to have more of a chance at winning, but really isn’t can sometimes itself be the entire game changer for the survivors.
The perk design is weird. It aims to punish camping/tunneling but at the same time it rewards them through the exposed status. If the exposed would only trigger if the killer is far away it would make much more sense.
When I saw this perk I was thinking use it end game when the killer has to camp and tunnel. Basically it just adds hook hang time so the other survivors can regroup and heal or get doors open
It would be godtier in comp but it will most likely be banned there and in public matches it will just make teams that already have like an 80-90% escape rate stomp even harder, but for 99,9% of dbd matches it barely does anything outside of a few games here and there where it does make a big difference
Come try eu servers n ul see how russians hard tunnel every game they play like they had a gun pointed at their head. Sadly i dont play dbd that much anymore cuz of this. 95% of my games are hardcore tunneöfest russians who play like that 99% of time once a while u get some russian that plays actually pretty nice n respects others i get so many russians cuz theyre my neighbour country i guess
1:40 When i played some days ago, i had 3 matches in a row where the killer was hyperfocused on a single survivor until they died (one of them was me)
The most impressive tunneling I've seen was this Xeno at Dead Dawg that was just RELENTLESSLY chasing down a Leon, whilst both Feng and Mikaela tried to bodyblock. We had an Exponential around the main building (where Leon was being chased), and i swear, Feng and Mikaela got downed 4 FUCKING TIMES by this Xeno, but he STILL kept chasing Leon. He didn't bother hooking either of them, he was ONLY after the Leon that was dead on hook.
That chase took so long i was able to solo 2 generators before Leon finally died, and what's worse is that i was the only one that was able to escape cuz Feng and Mikaela both got caught in the basement in the end, so i was helpless and had to leave.
This is basically giving the killer a free shorter make your choice in exchange for swapping a hook state and make your choice isn't even that broken I don't think the downside is gonne be as bad as people think tbh
This is why people were yelling about figuring out balance. MOST other perks gave the exact same niche case usage and the wrong map messes it up, the wrong opponent messes it up, and there are several perks that just cancel each other out.
There's never gonna be the opportunity to not have to make videos like this.
this perk should definitely have a condition as to when you can actually use it, similarly to what otzdarva suggested (although maybe not just straight up ripping his idea) in its current state with a coordinated team i can definitely see this perk being problematic
It's a shame that part of the problem is that you also have to get the unhook to take the hook state – putting you in the same danger zone. If there was some way to implement this so that the guy sitting on the gen on the other side of the map can take the hook state while a third teammate gets the unhook, then I can see this working out nicer. The killer still then actually has to find the exposed guy, rather than them being 100% next to the hook.
nah. if its soloQ its definitely useful. i dont care if swf actually benefits from this more but im just done with bs killers who actually drop chase after getting juiced and chase the newbie like its one thing dbd shitty ass matchmaking and its another when you cant win a chase. like bruh all killer mains give a stupid excuse like learn the fcking game when dealing with stupid killers like twins that actually need to slug to snowball. like if killers can get high risk high reward hex perks. we deserve dragging the game to an extent where you cant tunnel this newbie or youre getting a 3 man out. not to mention stupid maps like haddonfield. like how tf am i suppose to verse some broken high tier killer on a map with no decent tiles. like even some 50 hour clown on visibly no connecting loops map can shit on a survivor with decent experience. killer mains brag about skill expression but cry about survivors having good perks that actually punishes their "skillful" playstyle of tunneling and hard camping just because they had a bad start. like buddy you dont deserve to win to begin with. just like how survivors immediately lose on a single mistake that snowball. why cant survivors snowball the killer? just gg go next.
How isn’t this good for soloq? If you’re a top looper and someone on your team Is weak im 100% taking their hook state to delay the game. This perk is amazing for delaying time so I don’t see why people only think it’s good for swf. Not everyone in soloq lacks a brain or game sense sometimes u get really good individual survivors. So taking a hook state in general is meta in my opinion. You’re forcing the killer to chase everyone or spend extra time trying to tunnel someone out, which in turn gives survivors more time on gen. I like this perk for sure. Also this is good for the survivors who won’t get chased by the killer due to skill. If a killer decides to ignore one survivor all game he still gets punished because that survivor can trade hook states which is really good. Ik the ptb has no mmr but from what i’ve seen this perk will be good even in top mmr
I disagree i find a lot of games result in one person on death hook before im hooked once. The killer doesnt have to be tunneling for this perk to give value
It'll be an okay-ish perk for good swfs and a team killer for everyone else. I look forward to being able to just get 4 – 6 hook stages off of a weak link or being able to IMMEDIATELY have someone on death hook. Overall, this perk BENEFITS killer, and I can't wait to take advantage.
I used it in the PTB and I think it's really good for me because I tend to be running for all the saves with a healing build and sticking on gens if there's no one to save. It's certainly not everytime, but there have been quite a few times in which someone is on death hook when I haven't been hooked yet. I would much rather "buy" them an extra hook state instead of trying to throw myself at the killer to divert pressure off of them. And in the case of someone being on death hook and me being hooked once, I am happy if others can get out so I will gladly put myself on death hook instead of them if it means they have a higher chance of getting out. The exposed is so so, because it's best not to unhook someone if the killer is still close by anyways so best option is to wait nearby for them to get preoccupied with something and then get the save.
Otz recommended this concept, but it was base kit, and only usable if the killer was tunneling and only on one person.
This perk will make less of a dent than Reassurance did. It is good, and definitely don't need a buff, but I'm already seeing posts on Reddit from people who genuinely have no idea when you'd ever want to actually use it saying it is one of the worst perks ever made.
My whole gripe is with the "argument to stop tunneling" being "just run anti tunnel perks." Like, no??? I want to run MY perks??? Why should I have to sacrifice my whole build and my own fun just to stop the killer from being an asshole, and if the killer isn't an asshole and doesn't tunnel then I just don't have any perks. It's the stupidest "counter" to ever exist. There needs to be something against hard tunneling that's just in the game. I'm not smart enough to figure out what it is, I don't really trust that bhvr are, but there are people who know better that I hope get listened to some time.
Itll be insanely strong and insanely easily abusable
I think you’re thinking too hard about this perk, the reasoning it’ll more than likely be good is for the fact that killers don’t see hook states on survivors, there’s currently no way other than counting hooks yourself to see whose on what hook.
The biggest enemy of killer is time, if you’re going after someone who you think is dead to get them out the game to have more of a chance at winning, but really isn’t can sometimes itself be the entire game changer for the survivors.
So,,, as usual we have shitty survivor perks no one will use (except maybe strong SWF's) and killer perks that have some value to great value.
The perk design is weird. It aims to punish camping/tunneling but at the same time it rewards them through the exposed status. If the exposed would only trigger if the killer is far away it would make much more sense.
When I saw this perk I was thinking use it end game when the killer has to camp and tunnel. Basically it just adds hook hang time so the other survivors can regroup and heal or get doors open
It would be godtier in comp but it will most likely be banned there and in public matches it will just make teams that already have like an 80-90% escape rate stomp even harder, but for 99,9% of dbd matches it barely does anything outside of a few games here and there where it does make a big difference
"Is not as common as you think" Well maybe is my MMR but I see hard tunneling in like 3 out of 5 soloQ matches…
Come try eu servers n ul see how russians hard tunnel every game they play like they had a gun pointed at their head. Sadly i dont play dbd that much anymore cuz of this. 95% of my games are hardcore tunneöfest russians who play like that 99% of time once a while u get some russian that plays actually pretty nice n respects others i get so many russians cuz theyre my neighbour country i guess
This is just going to cause even more tunnelling, in which the killers will get punished 4 months later AGAIN.
Ready to die for my Grey rank teammates and look Special while doing it 😼
When i played some days ago, i had 3 matches in a row where the killer was hyperfocused on a single survivor until they died (one of them was me)
The most impressive tunneling I've seen was this Xeno at Dead Dawg that was just RELENTLESSLY chasing down a Leon, whilst both Feng and Mikaela tried to bodyblock. We had an Exponential around the main building (where Leon was being chased), and i swear, Feng and Mikaela got downed 4 FUCKING TIMES by this Xeno, but he STILL kept chasing Leon. He didn't bother hooking either of them, he was ONLY after the Leon that was dead on hook.
That chase took so long i was able to solo 2 generators before Leon finally died, and what's worse is that i was the only one that was able to escape cuz Feng and Mikaela both got caught in the basement in the end, so i was helpless and had to leave.
Can't wait to use this perk in solo que on my team mates when they try to kill themselves on first hook
This is basically giving the killer a free shorter make your choice in exchange for swapping a hook state and make your choice isn't even that broken I don't think the downside is gonne be as bad as people think tbh
This is why people were yelling about figuring out balance. MOST other perks gave the exact same niche case usage and the wrong map messes it up, the wrong opponent messes it up, and there are several perks that just cancel each other out.
There's never gonna be the opportunity to not have to make videos like this.
this perk should definitely have a condition as to when you can actually use it, similarly to what otzdarva suggested (although maybe not just straight up ripping his idea) in its current state with a coordinated team i can definitely see this perk being problematic
Step 1: Be in a SWF
Step 2: Have 3 of your team running this perk
Step 3: Have your best looper constantly looping the killer
You now have your best looper surviving a match after being hooked 5 times
Yeah but now we can actually have one survivor get hooked 9 times, and that would be funny as fuck
It's a shame that part of the problem is that you also have to get the unhook to take the hook state – putting you in the same danger zone. If there was some way to implement this so that the guy sitting on the gen on the other side of the map can take the hook state while a third teammate gets the unhook, then I can see this working out nicer. The killer still then actually has to find the exposed guy, rather than them being 100% next to the hook.
nah. if its soloQ its definitely useful. i dont care if swf actually benefits from this more but im just done with bs killers who actually drop chase after getting juiced and chase the newbie like its one thing dbd shitty ass matchmaking and its another when you cant win a chase. like bruh all killer mains give a stupid excuse like learn the fcking game when dealing with stupid killers like twins that actually need to slug to snowball. like if killers can get high risk high reward hex perks. we deserve dragging the game to an extent where you cant tunnel this newbie or youre getting a 3 man out. not to mention stupid maps like haddonfield. like how tf am i suppose to verse some broken high tier killer on a map with no decent tiles. like even some 50 hour clown on visibly no connecting loops map can shit on a survivor with decent experience. killer mains brag about skill expression but cry about survivors having good perks that actually punishes their "skillful" playstyle of tunneling and hard camping just because they had a bad start. like buddy you dont deserve to win to begin with. just like how survivors immediately lose on a single mistake that snowball. why cant survivors snowball the killer? just gg go next.
How isn’t this good for soloq? If you’re a top looper and someone on your team
Is weak im 100% taking their hook state to delay the game. This perk is amazing for delaying time so I don’t see why people only think it’s good for swf. Not everyone in soloq lacks a brain or game sense sometimes u get really good individual survivors. So taking a hook state in general is meta in my opinion. You’re forcing the killer to chase everyone or spend extra time trying to tunnel someone out, which in turn gives survivors more time on gen. I like this perk for sure. Also this is good for the survivors who won’t get chased by the killer due to skill. If a killer decides to ignore one survivor all game he still gets punished because that survivor can trade hook states which is really good. Ik the ptb has no mmr but from what i’ve seen this perk will be good even in top mmr
scott do the scott shaker
what if… calm spirit + shoulder the burden
basically just secretly using shoulder the burden (idk if it works i don’t play the ptb)
I disagree i find a lot of games result in one person on death hook before im hooked once. The killer doesnt have to be tunneling for this perk to give value
0:44 Scott endorses more corrective action in DBD