My thoughts on the current state of Dead by Daylight

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I wanted to spend some time to talk a lot about Dead by Daylight’s health, what I would like to see in the future and the current state of the game.
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26 thoughts on “My thoughts on the current state of Dead by Daylight”

  1. I would be all for 2 chapters if they could change killers more and/or nerf overly oppressive things in the game, however the one problem I have with it is that original killers are almost always less interesting than licensed content (even if the licensed killers are weak). On the topic of breakable walls, breakable walls should be present like the bathroom stairs in midwich or killer shack to make it less of a time sink and then have every other wall spot open. Lastly, bhvr should stop investing on ideas they have and asked for (the mori unbreakable idea, hillbilly nerf, maps reworks except for awfully designed ones, etc…) Because ultimately a majority of people will not like the changes and it will either stay in the game or they’ll change it again after a few years and bhvr already has a lot of things to focus on like bugs and balance wise.

  2. At this point, the only way I can have fun in DBD is to just play survivor, it's oddly more chill to be under the constant fear of getting stabbed by a lunatic in a mask than to play AS the lunatic in the mask.

    Also, I really wish they made the game more of an actual horror movie game. Maybe a separate mode with the same maps but make them smaller versions of said maps so the killer isn't running around the whole map. Make it more of a stealth game, get rid of loops cause I just wanna be a killer ya know? Make the gameplay more like Friday The 13th is what I'm saying.

  3. I would kill for a Project Health type of update for DBD. The perks, maps, coding, etc. All could clearly use the love. You said it perfectly that changes will come, things will get better, it just takes a lot of time so obsessing and constantly talking about it only makes it worse

  4. I think these are the biggest pain points I personally have with DBD:

    – Console shitters DCing, killing themselves on hook, hiding all game, and generally griefing. This problem is exacerbated by the blatant ignorance of people stuck on console and GamePass unable to properly transfer to Steam so they can't turn off crossplay.

    – No "give up" button leads to killers slugging for minutes on end or accidental Kobe when you just want to give someone hatch. The only recourse is to DC and lose your bloodpoints.

    – No communication allowed between Survivors along with the inability to see the perks of others.

    – Players being forced to throw for challenges (cleansing when someone is booning, taking hits while in a snowman, pink glyphs)

    – Maps and map offerings being horrendously unbalanced, exacerbated by there being 4 survivors and only one Killer.

    – Uncompetitive killer design (The Knight, Bubba, Artist, Tombstone Meyers)

    – Killers tunneling from first hook just because they want to ruin people's days

    – Cheese (body-blocking in a corner, unhookable Survivor spots)

    – Shitty balance/anti-QoL updates (Repressed Alliance using the same key as other perks, Pain Res + DMS reversion, Finishing Mori)

    – Refusal to implement cross-save between console and PC (JUST DO IT)

  5. 6:42 They can't stop, they need money
    But okay, let's get serious. BHVR doesn't understand that people have already chosen their mains and we don't need new characters, we need fixes and cosmetics for our favorite ones. And we will buy it. Maybe not all players also understand this, but it's true.

  6. If we add status next to solo queue survivors. I feel like they might need a nerf in another way. “Meg is getting chased”? “let’s all go on gens!” It would take away from many killers map pressure, since injured survivors would be less scared to do gens while injured. It would increase the effectiveness of survivors across the board. Giving all survivors SWF like qualities. Imo.

    With only two chapters per year. I think a lot of people would leave DbD for long periods of time. A lot of people already take long breaks, but then you wanna add less content? Yes, we need updates to things, but BHVR doesn’t wanna lose people.

    It’s funny how you wanna run all these different graphic settings, but most streamers and PC users just use the lowest setting possible 😂

  7. Quitted and even though I still feel the itch to play because of how addicting the game is, I know its a bad choice to go back to a game like Dead by Daylight which makes me only feel miserable and worsens my mental state for no reason since I dont have any fun playing the game.
    Even if they miracously fixed everything in dbd I still wouldn't play because I lost my trust in BHVR and the direction they seem to go.
    Not like this is possible because its they cant change the game the way they want because of the engine.
    Game will die because of its limitations.
    Dbd 2 when the game will start to die out because of this.

  8. Wesker did introduce the ability to not only throw survivors, but to also use the environment to actually injure them.

    Edit: They also introduced the ability to pick them up instantly instead of downing them on the ground, then having to pick them up.

  9. one major issue with needing big changes to dbd: they still havent changed from UE's blueprint to c++ coding.
    blueprint's fine for smaller projects where you can just connect the different files with lines, but for the love of god, get rid of it on an over 30GB game, i can already see them accidently disconnecting a line and then taking hours to find what they have to reconnect, if they even manage to(looking at the bugs that came in patches that shouldve had 0 effect on that part of the game).
    hell, from what i remember its even possible to mix the 2 coding languages, as long as c++ is the base, so they could very well have certain things unique to a character(skins, killer power, sounds, etc.) connected with each other through blueprint and then have things shared between characters(hitbox, killer basic attack, etc.) connected through c++, that way you would just have little webs of code specific to each character with no overlapping lines that can result in major bugs through accidental removal.

  10. Honestly, if they just rework more Killer instead of bringing new ones all the time the Game could still feel fresh.

    After a Killer get's a Rework you will see them get played much more just like when a new one comes out.

    Maybe they could also look into doing more of those experimental PTBs. Like much more.

    If they had done that for the Hillbilly and had actually listened to the Community back then, we wouldn't have one of the best Killers Balanced whise butchered into oblivion.

  11. Bro don't give them ideas, sitting on the gens and having information what survivor is getting chased like come on, an actual ping wheel, or communication wheel is so much healthier than free information especially for survivors

  12. My options

    Nerf swf more than buff solo – I get that solo comparatively isn't as fun as swfs. This is because swfs basically surplants 20 information perks with discord and this let's them hyper genrush or second chance stack.

    And really Information in solos isn't the issue and once you get that information buff you'll see survivors just leave you to die. Making solo even more frustrating.

    I think we should encourage more altruism among survivors by tying perks to helping others out. Maybe you don't get infinite unbreakable but you can get an unbreakable from taking a protection hit or circle of healing cannot be spammed but instead requires you to heal another survivor x times to get a token you can use to place it, or off the record only activates after you unhook a survivor. Resolve gets tokens from helping others so when you're injured your can dump those tokens to genrush. Altruism is the real difference between swfs and solo. swfs are willing to make sacrifice plays for the greater good. So encourage this with points, perks and punishments.

    Solo information – that's a lot of info for free. Unless the killer can also see this information I think we should tie this ability to an item. We could make the map item let you know what other survivors are doing when you use it or make an entire new item called the radio that consumes charges to get or broadcast that information and makes a noise in use. And maybe that'll address toolkit and med kit spam.

    The toolkit and med kit spam – tool kits and med kits are amazingly broken. Toolkits can delete a Gen and make genrush perks ludicrously fast. Heal kits delete pressure. With a single green med kit with green addons can let a survivor heal themselves in 8 seconds. It's really broken. I think med kits should be more altruism based and not buff self heal. That way if they want to solo heal they can but it isn't optimal and a killer can have side pressure by having two survivors heal. Toolkits I don't know what to do. Especially when you add in hyper focus gens just fly.

    Gen speed – with the right build you can get a Gen done in 36.7 seconds without brand new part or potential energy. It's kinda nuts. After having a few rounds at 90 second gens and how much breathing space that gave killer it's very disheartening to go back almost instantly to starting a round doing a 10 second search, 20 second down and 6 second hook just to see 2-3 gens pop. That you have zero chance to stop. And then people complain about Gen regression perks.

  13. Maybe during events I kinda mean the tomes but using a certain perk probably of the survivors or killer of the tome could give an unstacking bp bonus (ex. Trapper tome so using any of the three trapper perks could give you a 20% bp bonus using more doesn't give you more) idk it's just a small way to encourage people to not use the same exact build every single game

  14. For survivor buff solo-queue and just delete dead hard from the game, despite everything they've tried to do we've essentially circled all the way back to everyone "dead harding for distance" and gen rushing, and for killers just do something, anything that obliterates this Call of brine, eruption, overcharge three gen deadlock that everyones obsessed with running


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