Why Do Players Facecamp In Dead By Daylight?

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Boring or not, this can clearly be a very effective way to play the game. I definitely don’t think it makes anyone “toxic”.

Matches were stream here!

Thumbnail render done by https://twitter.com/JMotionZ

0:00 Who Do People Facecamp?
2:10 Survivor Match
4:50 Bubba Match
7:31 Final Points

More Bubba videos


48 thoughts on “Why Do Players Facecamp In Dead By Daylight?”

  1. Facecamping for fun for others, that play "lazy, get views, and chill" and some percentage of the player based is the opposite reasons… So Yeah

  2. The reason i dislike facecamping (before 1 gen is left at least) is because it just removes all the fun aspects of the game. The fun part is the chase and the killer standing still means no chases. The idea that facecampings a playstyle makes no sense to me because theres no play, so how can it be a playstyle? I have nothing against facecampers i just dont consider it a playstyle and really negative for the game

  3. im at the point that, as a primarily solo q survivor, i just simply give up being upset by camper killers (smart and mean alike). if i get camped, i just chill and let my rando team (hopefully) do gens (now if i get saved, its on them tbh). If i learn the killer is camping and im in the field, i just hop on a gen and try to do what i can, endgame chat be damned. its annoying, but what can i do?

  4. That's why I stick to a gen when I notice the killer is camping, better to pop asant gens as you can, if 2 people go for save it helps everyone get to endgame if 1 person sticks those gens

  5. Simple easy way to fix it is to make it so survivors on hooks being face camped will have slower/reduced hook progress. Put a radius around it, but not a huge one as some killers need to be "close" by so maybe 24 meters or 16? If a killer face camps with this system then they would surely lose a game if the others did the gens.

  6. I’ve never done basement bubba before as a killer main. I always mess up extended the chainsaw. But after I watched this I tried it out. 2 games 4k and was told I’m a terrible person in both EGC. When I go against bubba I gen rush and pull a sulky face if I’m the one being facecamped. Then I say gg and go next. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  7. The unbelievable double standards the community has is insane. Killers are viewed as these evil, unhinged individuals that just want to make the survivor players miserable while survivors can do no wrong and are never the problem. When the entire reason facecamping works is because of SURVIVORS. It's a strategy for efficiency… Just like survivors rushing gens while injured or body blocking or literally using any strategy that helps them win the game. The conclusion I've come to recently is just take the survivor side of the community, because they're always right and never wrong, and basically dictate the entire games balance at this point. Especially after the Devs validated that side of the community walking back changes.

  8. I'm ok with me being facecamped if only I didn't get -1 for that. That's what disappoints me really hard. It's not my fault at all, so why do I get punished?

    I also had games with facecamping Bubbas, whe everyone did gens and escaped (except for person on the hook) and killer complained that we selled that person as a shitty players xD

  9. I only had one instance of being facecamped, and it was against a bubba. Me and my friends were on a full swf and on call, and I got hooked shortly after the match began, I simply told them to ignore me and just do gens. They finished the gens and managed to escape while I was the only one dead, my friends were all upset I got camped, while I was just chill about it.

  10. Face camping never bothered me. Unless it’s a bubba, there’s always a way to save. There’s even ways to save against a face camping bubba but that usually requires a swf. If the Devs want to make it fair, just make it so that killers can’t use their power if they are standing too close to the hook. They can still attack normally but just not in their power. Problem solved no?

  11. I like the fact people think facecamping is actually some 5head strategy. When a killer is facecamping it's at least fun to try and break the camping in the same way you try and save the hooked guy in the endgame, it's just more fun.

  12. The ROOT cause is because they want to win. That is at the very base of the root.
    No amount of bandaid fixes will change it. Camping and tunnelling will only be gone when the win condition is changed from kills to hook stages.

  13. Never thought about it like that.
    It can be frustrating because a Bubba chase is always fun and intense and I am definetly not pleased if it happens in the first 20 seconds of the game
    but Bubba is a honorable family man and everyone loves him in the end of the day.

  14. i think as someone else said, having one person just… not be able to play the game because their entire game is them on the hook, just feels bad. Even when its not me being camped i do feel bad like, why is this person just… not being allowed to play because its so easy for ppl to camp. Its a very unhealthy thing for the game in my opinion, doesnt make new players want to play when they constantly get camped and are just trying to learn. I also really dont get the whole " omg i made someone disconnect LOL i won ", especially as a streamer, like… thats not a good look in my opinion like, yeah lets promote disconnecting even more in solo q…

  15. i face camp since 2016 and i love it the mind game of the fce camp is best knowning the other player is behind their screen cursing anf getting all mad and dont forget franklins camp item that is on a other level love it

  16. A Knight explained that he facecamped me because I was “speedhacking”. I was able to get his guard’s standard, so I got the speed boost. He didn’t realize that was a part of his power. I was glad he heard out my explanation, but he already reported me in addition to ruining the match 😅

  17. That is why I use kindred. If killer facecamps, I know, and I will do gens instead… and tell my swf to do the same. Usually the person ON the hook says "just do gens" because its either a 4k or we can get 2-3 people out. Sometimes we do go on epic rescue missions though and when they succeed, ngl, it does feel pretty damn good

  18. I've been facecamped a few games in a row and I just dance on hook and try to waste as much time as possible. If i get unhooked then i get tunneled. But i dont take it to heart. Im like welp. Do gens and get out 🤣 its a game. No need to get upset. Just go to the next game. I am more annoyed at a 3 gen being held for an hour. But again, it works. As annoying as it is. I just say gg and go next 😂

  19. Sure it works and sure it is easy! This is not the point!
    Facecamping is not fun! Not for the survivors, not for the killer! You spend 2 minutes watching a guy on a hook! Can you honestly tell the time you spend looking the hook is fun? Noone is going to believe! If you play that tactic and you enjoy something it is the taste of the salt you know the survivors are about to give you!

    A killer facecamp only in these situations:

    1) You need the guy on the hook absolutely dead! He is second stage and they left him on the hook for a while to genrush so you go back to the hook and spend 15-20 seconds being sure he is going to pass!
    2) You want to punish someone that played scummy, a boil over exploiter for example!
    3) You are in the endgame and you have nothing else to do!
    4) OTHERWISE you accept not to have fun in order to win, knowing noone is going to have fun! This happens only in 3 cases:

    A] You are in a tournament and the money are on the table
    B] You have a challenge or an archive
    C] You explicitly want the other not to have fun, 2 sub scenarios here:

    I- because you are frustrated from your life or childish and you enjoy the other's experience being ruined
    II- because you need to sell their reactions in your streams!

    Noone was going to complain of a similar behaviour if it wasn't effective!

  20. Hi spook I agree with you I play trapper alot and it happens to they all stop doing gens they come to save there friends I use Franklin to ok when the flash light is gone they go back to it then I get then every time is funny I love your channel
    I don't face camp alot only in the end gane but during the game it works to as trapper they get my traps.

  21. i love getting face camped cause watching my team fall apart is just way too fun to look at. suddenly everyone leaves their gen sitting close by and i am just facepalming thinking that if my team wasn't stupid they would've finished 5 gens by now

  22. calling facecamping a "strategy" is such a stretch and makes me laugh every time^^
    noone in any video game has to play how anyone else wants them to but if you play like that you have to take the reactions,i dont feel like its any persons duty to make sure the others have fun but it doesnt hurt to not be an asshole imo. survs shouldnt take it to serious because its just a game but if a killer plays in such a boring way because ThE GaMe iS SuRvIvOr SiDeD Af THOOOOo the "dont take it to serious its just a game" doesnt count for some reason^^ its like schroedingers cat^^

  23. It works in solo q because when you're on a gen and you see that no one is going for the save, you go like "Fine, I'll do it myself"
    And that's how everybody ends up coming to the hook around the same time
    Altho I have seen it happen even when the camped survivor has Kindred and everyone sees the bubba standing there. Now that's a special kind of stupid. As well as when the hooked survivor DCs or speeds up sacrifice

  24. I understand why people do it but I think it’s very unhealthy for the game as a whole. I think of it like an exploit – cause it takes away main objectives from both sides. It’s knowingly taking away one persons ability to play entirely and I don’t see how that could be considered positive in any way.

  25. Spooks, this is one of the smartest theory's ive heard in a while. Why do killers camp? Because it works! When all the they have to do is stay on gens and half of them escape resulting in a tie game. Unfortunatly most teams go down due to hook rushing. Lol. It works because they let it work. Can't blame nothing but themselves for that, but regardless, this was one of the most interesting theory's ive heard in a long time. Nice video man.

  26. Can't agree. My issue with camping and tunneling is that we play DBD for the thrill of the chase also. Camping and tunneling isn't a player issue. It's a dame design issue. Killers used to complain they did it because survivors slammed gens, but now that gen times are even longer it just goes to show that killers would have done it anyway. I'm glad they nerfed perks like NOEd to where it is now because now I don't see this strategy as much anymore because they can't get rewarded for such a boring play style. Tunneling and camping is boring and obnoxious and it can make a great survivor go down to a low skill killer. Sitting on a gen for 1 minute and a half is boring. I try to save the person off the hook because I can relate to the situation they are in and that I think it sucks and I wouldn't want to be in that predicament. Being a survivor can be very cooperative whereas killer isn't.

  27. Guys, let's be honest, ppl camp or tunnel only bcs it's easiest way to win, come on, just to make someone DC or to kill him in the beginning and the rest of the game is very easy, I want to chill, I don't want to be tryharder and improve my "skill" Only bcs I play for myself and I don't want to play tournaments, that's why I will tunnel and camp every game and almost 95% of games I win with 3 or 4 k, only bcs it's a game I want to make the game easier for me

    P. S yesterday I got a survivor who told me that I can't play s-tier killer with best addons and tunnel and camp, why? Only bcs it's "unfair", I don't understand why ppl don't want to get 100℅ from the game that offer you all, instead they build obstacles for themselves, it's very stupid for me

  28. i think more of the argument of why it is ez bc everyone knows getting camped isn’t fun bc no survivors wants to watch a tm8 get camped they’d rather help and die and move on most of the time in my experience bubbas camp bc they getting beat bad or they jus wanna make me mad and idc usually

  29. Facecamp is boring to most people because it feels like someone is intentionally wasting your time. Maybe a lot of your specific audience doesn't say that because of the content here, but overall..its not fun. Played 2 games today and facecamps for both. Didn't feel mad.. just bored, lol. It is okay if you think fun, but it's also okay if I think it's boring.

  30. My thing every time I rarely play killer is just put people on the hook and go look for someone else (I usually play myers or freddy so… If theres any sign that theres someone close to the hook no matter if its one two or three survivors I absolutely refuse to ignore it. I wait trying to not get noticed until the killer go away whenever I am trying to save someone so they can do it too people are so impatient that they can't even wait you to kick a gen or look around before go goofly for the save… have a little of respect for the killer guys usually he's not blind


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