How Object Of Obsession BROKE Dead by Daylight

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48 thoughts on “How Object Of Obsession BROKE Dead by Daylight”

  1. i despised this perk so much. loading into a killer lobby and seeing comp-wannabe aces and neas, just knowing to expect them to be running object with a map offering and iron will, dead hard, unbreakable… drove me absolutely insane. then midwich came out. and thus, my dbd oddly kept crashing on the loading screen… hm. wonder why.

    surprised you didn't cover the midwich issue in this, actually. for anyone who doesn't know, with old object, you could run around the upstairs hallway on midwich forever and ever and as long as the killer didn't have a mobility power, the killer could never catch up to you. it was an absolute joke

  2. I remember having a Plague match against a three man. The Object user claimed I was using wall hacks because of my Black Incense. Tickled my pickle reading that.

  3. The current version of Object is a far cry from how powerful it used to be, but I can't agree with any tier list that has it at the absolute bottom now. It can let you know which killer you're going against from the get-go if they have Lethal Pursuer, it can make Friends 'Til The End less intimidating, etc. I was a thorn in a Naughty Bear's side once because of it. I do think the little speed boost could be a bit higher but it's no big deal. As a Laurie main, I'm glad that she's no longer a top face for survivor toxicity. It's just unfortunate that her perks had to be so drastically changed in order for that to happen. Killer players, I'll do my best to prove to you that we Lauries can be good noodles.
    Thank you for the video. ❤

  4. Current players really don't understand how frustrating playing against this was. Hag, trapper, wraith, Michael just got deleted. Only the old Nurse, crackbilly and unrelenting/STBFL made it bearable.

  5. I can never forget the matches where I play as Trapper, chasing a survivor, and another survivor disarm all my setup and started following me to disarm any mid chase trap.
    Meanwhile, another 2 survivors are repairing gens. They even have time to rotate their job. In one of the worst match, they 99'd all the last 3 gens, just to pop any one of it when I think I am going to win and see 4 adrenalines

  6. I remember back when OoO was always the exception for every Killer, me included. I typically don't tunnel, I find the practice boring and ensures nobody has fun.
    If you had old OoO, you were the exception. Tunneling is back on the menu.

  7. OoO is still the most toxic, unfun perk in the game. One person sitting in a corner away from the rest of their SWF telling everyone exactly where the killer is the entire match. You either chase them to no man's land and give them 3 free gens, or you try to defend gens from the rest of the team and accomplish nothing because they can just rotate to different gens long before you reach them. The whole perk should get the instablind treatment.

  8. When I started playing in 2019 I thought the killed couldn’t see you when you hade OoO because non of the killers I went against acted like they could see me, it took a few noob3 videos for me to understand.

  9. To be fair, it didn’t necessarily felt broken or unfair back then it was just the way it was but when we compare it to today’s balance of the game it is almost laughable how broken it was in comparison.

  10. Anyone who says they "miss the party game dbd" are lying through their fucking teeth, are being disingenuous or just straight up did not even play back in 2017-2018. It was horrible. I'm amazed this game didnt die.

  11. The main reason why it wasn't nerfed was and I kid you not: "Survivors who took the perk had a low escape rate".

    That was literally the reason why it took over 4 and a half years for it to get nerfed because the devs couldn't see the forest from the trees. The only time they did acknowledge how it increases other survivors escape rates was in the patch that reworked it.

    They were even sheepish about having to admit it as well, as if they were ashamed by missing the obvious for nearly half a decade.

  12. im just waiting for the day when bhvr realises their game is solo queue anymre its literally 2-4 mans but they still thinks its a team game where the killer has 4 other people helping him

  13. The problem with this game has always been that the survivour role has always been way too overpowered and frankly speaking, easy. While playing killer is much more difficult yet being weaker.

  14. I remember in the good old days you could disable matchmaking with SWF. After they made it base kit I treat all matches like a SWF, until the Dwight pallet drops on someone I'm chasing.

  15. gonna die on the hill that new DBD looks better and plays better than old DBD by a wide margin. The game was balanced so much worse back then it's unreal. the only thing saving it was that everyone wasn't good at the game yet. But no one can tell me Dead Hard-ing over a gap to launch yourself over the exit gate and leaving early was fine. Or that BNP insta-finishing gens was fun

  16. Watching with subtitles on top of subtitles

    This is a good example of modern DBD that I hate, removing fun perks that most people didn’t use but if you used it well, it could be very strong. Most folks didn’t use it well so it was a hindrance but the devs didn’t want a certain few YouTubers using it.

  17. I'd honestly be very interested in a video on The Pig, I've been playing DBD for years now (I started in 2016) and I'd love a look into the changes they gave her that were downright laughable and how BHVR treated killers like her compared to nowadays, including how it ended up with people liking and finding her endearing a lot more as the killer has often gone from very volatile in perception to downright loved (even so much so to an extent that survivors think they can just boop you for the sake of it because you're playing her).

    Not sure if you've thought of doing one for her or something similar but as someone who plays a lot more killer now and played a LOT of survivor originally, I find myself playing her a lot more and find that shift interesting.

    Myers is a similar killer to me in the sense that old school players are and were very happy to see one where as new school players are terrified of Tombstone already which got me thinking about The Pig (if that makes any sense)

    I love these videos btw, ty for making them ❤


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