How Overpowered Is STRETCH RES On Survivor? | Dead by Daylight

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Its debatable whether or not streched res is cheating, however, it still looks really bad, and I would preferably not use it…

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32 thoughts on “How Overpowered Is STRETCH RES On Survivor? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't mind the first one, but the 2nd (1200 by 1080) is kinda yikes and then from there's it's not really an argument of it looking better. If you use it because you want an advantage just admit to it.

  2. This is cursed but I love it. Also, I lost my absolute shit when you said Identity V — I’m shocked you even know it. Did you ever play it or record you playing it? I already liked you before but you brought the love how mentioning IDV. 🖤😱

  3. It gives an unfair advantage to see people over walls. Killers rarely ever put it on cause it's damn near impossible to play. But as survivor you can see over walls which makes mind gaming useless and it means you can reveal Ghostface over walls which is cheating you shouldn't be able to do that. Also it's a PC only thing so it alienates console players.
    There's a reason you only see people who are bad at the game using it

  4. Stretch res is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen, how can you stand to stare at such an ugly looking resolution? I just can't understand why people feel like it's a good way to play them game

  5. Yeah stretch rez is cheating.
    Its pretty obvious it's cheating, especially cause it's not base game for everyone.
    If you use it and you are sensitive about people calling it cheating than even YOU know its cheating too. No shade, cheat if you want but you should at least be able to acknowledge the advantage you give yourself like a big survivor. Using stretched rez tells everyone you aren't good and need to make your game easier, and thats fine. Not everyone can be good.

  6. Did you know that stretched res doesnt do anything beside that it looks stupid and people really think they get a better pov EVEN THO THE POV is the same if i stretch 1920×1080 i still have 1920×1080 some people are just stupid

  7. hey, rapid, can you do a step by step skybilly tutorial? I was looking for a good learning video of how to do that, and based on your "hacker vs skybilly" vid you're pretty good with it


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