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Want to see the real power role of DBD? Here you go! This is the potential of a SWF

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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #SWF #broken #op #overpowered


22 thoughts on “HOW POWERFUL A SWF CAN BE! Dead by Daylight”

  1. These builds are why hit reg issues frustrate me so.
    I see them a lot more when I play survivor, but if I had a valid injure state stolen while playing a killer after slogging through that many second chance crutches, I'd be justifiably aggravated.

    I think endurance has always been abusable, but now that the old meta is gone, and many more perks give endurance, survivors are finding new ways to bully, meaning BHVR still has a lot of work to do.

  2. I've been telling the survivors I've been playing with to run DH, DS, OTR… And they all say "oh DH and DS suck now". Lmao they only suck if the survivor using them is trash. They have more second chances than ever, only higher MMR survivors seem to realise this though.

  3. The only true way to play now is just camp lol, hoping to get a grab. But sadly survivors can press the unhooking button like a toddler and bypass the grabs. At this point before reassurance comes out, basement bubba or some nurse might be a good way to pass the time.

  4. Can't speak for anyone other than myself but when I play survivor I don't use perks like that because I like the risk, I enjoy the dread of going up against someone powerful and demonic and have to rely on skill and strategy instead of just crutches. Using what is basically second chance on another second chance on a third and fourth ruins that imersion and what drew me to dbd in the first place but with perks like that they baically take away the horror.

  5. I see DS and Off the Record a LOT along with body blocking, ect.. Think that might be a region thing? I do get games with people from different parts of the world though. ( Edited out the rest it really was not important to mention lol. )

  6. "Wonder why all survivors dont use these"

    Because not every survivor is a try hard fuck. Theres actually survivors who like using more than the same boring perks and actually having fun. This is one of the reasons we have 3 different build slots now

  7. Ironically enough, this video shows how ridiculously strong killer is. I won’t go over step-by-step of your errors, but I’ll point out the less obvious. You’re playing trickster, a killer by your own admission “weak killer” at “high mmr”.

    Sure, let’s say you’re high mmr and trickster is a bottom tier killer. What you’re showing us with this gameplay is that it takes a coordinated swf using multiple second chance perks to counter your lazy tactic – camping and tunneling (with a weak killer.) Not only this, you basically played with 2 perks (blood favor and deadlock).

    At no point did you get any value from pentimento. Brutal was only used for kicking a gen (wasn’t worth it ). The survivors forced you to switch targets, you didn’t attempt to slug, got flashlight blind, stayed near basement. Against any other team, you would have surely gotten at least a 2k with your tactic.

    I’ll like to remind you that you activated all those second chance perks due to you trying to tunnel / camp. Those second chance perks only get value when you decided to give them value. You clearly didn’t care about OTR. Clearly didn’t care about DS. And as far as dh goes, survivor made the read, you misplayed.

    Ironically enough, survivors who holds onto OTR or DS basically informs the killer they weren’t doing anything. You went after the survivors who weren’t doing anything. All Because you were trying to kill rush and got punished heavily.

    I won’t keep this long, but maybe come off auto pilot and see that your one style doesn’t fit all.

    But sure, keep pushing the narrative that this game is heavily survivor sided when you lose 1 game out of 20 while doing viewer requested builds on all killers at high mmr.

    probably the first video you’ve posted in awhile of you losing. But of course, you’ll post videos of you losing trying to push a narrative instead of saying the survivors played well.


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