How the Entity Got Every Survivor into the Realm! (Dead by Daylight)

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Ever wondered how the Entity actually got all the Survivors into the realm? Well, it’s different in every case. Some it tricked, some it simply took, and others have very strange stories. Today we’re going to explore how the Entity got or convinced every Survivor to join its realm.

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 31 has been released, with new killer The Unknown and survivor, Sable Ward!

Thumbnail renders by JMotionZ

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
It’s unclear what happened 0:19
They summoned the Entity 1:36
Took advantage of the situation 4:05
The Entity slightly intervened 9:45
The Entity greatly intervened 12:09
It just took them 14:20
The Entity didn’t do anything 16:17
They were taken near a fracture 16:54
Outro 20:19


25 thoughts on “How the Entity Got Every Survivor into the Realm! (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. I dont think quentin intentionally summoned entity or tried to kill freddy with his emotions, more like they where just happening organically and he was like "maybe this is enough to kill him"

    quentin was straight up just so very angry and pissed that it attracted the attention of an eldritch being. I feel like the fact that little old shy polite anxious quentin has one he'll of a tender is always forgotten by people. in the movie he has a scene where he's yelling loudly at his father and in the fight at the end with freddy it looks like he's trying to blow him up with his mind lmao

  2. Can you please include Legendary Survivors like Rose, Lisa, James, Chris, Claire, etc. in the videos again cuz they have every right to be in the videos like the normal survivors and it also wouldn’t be too hard to figure out Entity related stuff to them.

  3. For most of the Legendary survivors the Entity more than likely took advantage of a situation like with Claire Redifield getting taken in Raccoon City during the outbreak since it was chaotic and most would assume she died in the outbreak or Lisa Garland right before Valtiel killer her since by the time she she was about to be killed being Alessa’s caretaker drained her mentally and physically and her boyfriend Matthew died in the Otherworld of Silent Hill trying to save her which was the final straw for her but survivors like Maria would fall into the “it’s unclear what happened” category since she is the manifestation of James’s late wife Mary so since she’s basically an illusion of sorts she doesn’t have a definitive answer on her being taken.

  4. I really want to say that I like Cheryl's story. It doesn't help me much that I work at a call center now myself… should probably…make sure the next call I take doesn't pull me into my eternal doom though…hmm…

  5. I have an idea for a series of videos that could be interesting.

    "What if the Killers and Survivors traded places?" Basically, each video could take a Killer and go over how their lore could change to suit them being a Survivor now, like what abilities they would have.

    Then, videos for turning Survivors into Killers could take one Survivor and go over what could have changed for them to have become a Killer outside the realm, what method they would use, what their in game mechanics could be, etc.

    The videos could either take on each Survivor or Killer separately; or cover a Survivor (or Survivors) and their Killer counterpart.

    Seems like it could be something that would be interesting to see your take on. You have enough familiarity with the series involved for it to be possible, so I figured I may as well make the suggestion.

  6. I’m still shocked that Meyers and Laurie don’t have any lore stating how they ended up in the realm. My guess is similar to what you stated: Michael was chasing Laurie and neither of them realized they entered the fog.

  7. 1:17 We actually do know when David was taken! In the tome Devotion we get more of David’s backstory, specifically the night he was taken- he was about to get back together with his Bf but got taken by the entity that night instead :((

  8. I feel like if the entity could predict, or rather know, the full duration of the life of someone prior to them entering the realm, that it knew Sable would be drawn by the disappearance of her friend.
    I think all it did was leave the door open for her, so to speak, but it knew she would come searching.

  9. It is explained when David was taken in his Tome lore. After he had talked to the person he was in love with, he walked through a park drunk before a dark fog creeped up on him without him seeing.

  10. 1:16 We actually DO know how David got taken. At the end of Tome 11, after failing and trying to get back together with his ex boyfriend at an airport, the entity summoned copies of a bunch of people who bullied David in his life, including his father. David fought all of them until he was exhausted, and then The Entity consumed him.


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