How to 360 console (controller) Dead by daylight easy trick tutorial

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What did you think of this 360 trick?
let me know in the comments below

I stream a lot on:
If you have any question feel free to ask tem to me there,
and a follow would be appriciated a lot!

psn id: ICON-7-

#moonwalk​​ #360 #trick​​ #controller​​​​


29 thoughts on “How to 360 console (controller) Dead by daylight easy trick tutorial”

  1. Two questions:
    1) When you zig zag you end up moving camera the same side you are moving or the opposite?
    2) When 360 is clockwise, camera should go to te left and when it's anti clockwise should you move to the right or is it the other way around?

  2. I'm from Brazil, sorry for the bad English. I love your channel so much, can you make a video of the moonwalk? teaching with handheld camera? the speed you move the analog and everything. I just wanted to say that you helped me a lot to improve the game, thank you very much

  3. Thanks. haha I forgot about crossplay. I've been playin with controller on PC since it came out. Though I've never managed 360s intentionally. Started thinking I should experiment more.


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