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Ghostface and other stealth killers will be significantly stronger after the next mid-chapter, as the hit and run playstyle will be making its return, which made stealth killers much better before the healing meta than they are now.
With that being said, I think the only problem with Ghostface is in certain maps (like Borgo, Eytie, etc.) where he can be seen easily by survivors. Regardless, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say!
As a Ghostface main I definitely think him and (tbh most killers like him) need some sort of passive buff to their kit because map RNG genuinely can just fuck them over. If it is a big map and the survivors are at least decent they can easily escape.
Though I haven't seen much of a problem outside of that especially compared to much more outdated stealth killers like Myers. Interested to see your take 😄
he's the only stealth killer whose stealth can be taken away just by perceiving him. depending on the map, you could be out of your power the entire match, unfortunately. ESPECIALLY against good survivors. feel like they could make chewed pen and lasting perfume basekit, at least. there's no reason they should be considered rare add-ons. i'm interested in what you have to suggest!
Low-key wanna see you do a how to fix trickster.
Cause for me as a trickster main, his addons need a look over, specifically ones tied to main event, because dedicating an addon slot to something that you’ll rarely if ever get any proper value out of is silly.
I dont think Ghostface needs fixing, he's pretty alright for what he is, he can get messed up by the map he's on and is a little lacking in pressure but I think he's alright, interested to see your opinion though
Ghostface was also the first killer I bought
This video is going to promote camping.
You're right though, the reveal mechanic pretty much always feels bad whether you are playing as him or against him so I like a lot of these changes.
I would also love for them to take a pass through Myers add-ons. It would be nice to finally have a use for the hundreds of tacky earrings and strands of hair I've collected, because those things are pretty freaking useless as is.
I thought there already was a addon that makes exaughst the survivor that revels ghostface
A purple one if I not mistaken
One thing I really would like to see implemented for ghostface is to give marked survivor 10 to 15 percent hindred for the mark duration to make catching up much easier
Honestly, I can't judge GhostFace playstyle cause I don't own him and, to be fair, I don't feel the need.
I don't wanna directly argue with people that want to buff him (like I said, I can't judge), but it's a fact that GhostFace is one of the most played and loved characters in the entire game, and we all know there are tons of killers that need to be reworked way more urgently than him, probably all of the killers except Huntress should be reworked imo and he's one of the least urgent
NOTHING I agree more with than "this and that encourages camping/tunneling" if people keep saying that THERE WILL BE NO CHANGES
As a Ghostie main myself, you're spot on with the issues with the reveal mechanics. It's frustrating as hell that reveals are tied to Suvrs camera placement rather than true visual LOS. Like half the time when I get reveled, I don't even get to see where the killer instinct is even being proc'd from bc the Surv who did it is is behind a wall four counties over. His rework last year definitely helped make him feel a little better to play as but iirc, they also changed how revealing worked and made that part of him worse. Something with, crouching/breaking LOS from Survs now doesn't reset the revel timer as quickly (or at all) as it used to. I don't remember exactly but it was something they changed for the sake of balance as upping his marked timer to 60 seconds was suddenly going to make him S tier.
I like the changes you have in this video — Ghostie isn't a particularly strong killer and these changes would make him feel good to play as without making him OP.
4:00 fuck you floor
This gave me PTSD flashbacks of being revealed by survivors clearly playing with stretched res. Dark, dark times.
Personally I like the reveal mechanic. I use it so that way survivors who are hiding nearby reveal themselves by accident when looking at me meaning a person who would normally sneak past can't and I can chase and down them
Hi there, a GhostFace main here. Whilst I can still play him pretty well in high mmr (he’s one of my few I have in the top area of mmr), I have an issue with how easy revealing is. Whilst my counter play to the issue is Olsen’s wallet which gives my back my power after breaking a wall or pallet, it still causes a lot of issue. I especially hate how I get revealed so easily playing him but gets impossible to try reveal GhostFace playing survivor. I 100% agree it should be harder to reveal when doing an objective or if they’re on hook/dying state. I don’t think it’s necessary to remove the ability to reveal on hook. But anyways that’s my take.