How to know where the HATCH will spawn / Dead By Daylight

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21 thoughts on “How to know where the HATCH will spawn / Dead By Daylight”

  1. Dude finding that bump is harder to find than the actual hatch lol. Good knowledge though. But thats just a more difficult thing to spot. If you go looking for it early in game its wasting valuable time. I thoughts there’d be some sort of give away based on the map or that it only spawns in specific areas. I guess i was wrong because it would be OP now that i think about it

  2. So to sum it up…. the map wont show you, the Key wont show you either? and you need to cover every square feet of the map and figue out where you "bump" if you bring a key.
    Then how the hell am I supposed to deal with opening the hatch with the Key?

  3. Hatch is the dumbest game mechanic ever, it's completely survivor sided, and is based on RNG you can play flawlessly as killer and still not 4k when you should because of it, but survivors generally suck at vidya games, so they need every crutch imaginable, anyone can clearly see the "type" of people that play survivor, whether they want to admit it or not it's clearly there YWNBAG survivors never.

  4. Not related to this video but … is there a way for the hatch to spawn before last survivor? I was in a match today with a toxic survivor. They kept flashing and teabagging .. trying to drag me on a long chase .. I didn’t want to .. three times .. I hit them while continuing my route to pressure gens .. so while I was busy chasing and hooking other survivors… I noticed they left .. not dced .. simply left. They just had 2 gens done .. I was so confused. I am pretty sure no hatch spawn before last survivor. So .. did they hack? How did they just leave?

  5. Somebody had an offering that said with this offering the hatch is more likely to spawn inside the killer shack if there is a killer shack. I was the last one left waiting for it to spawn, and guess what it spawned outside the shack and the killer was already there when it spawned. Honestly these game devs need to be more specific, or learn how to write sentences.

  6. so many people are being misled because this is outdated, the hatch now only spawns when there is only 1 person left, you cant feel it with the bump anymore and the keys open the hatch after the killer closes it, imo the hatch/key nerf was dumb


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