How to Legion tech | Dead by Daylight

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I’ve been asked quite a bit lately how to pull of a Legion tech in Dead by Daylight, so here is a brief guide on how to do it!
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13 thoughts on “How to Legion tech | Dead by Daylight”

  1. One thing you didn’t mention is that if you’re running friendship bracelet, if you’re blinded out of frenzy during a lunge you still lunge at the range friendship bracelet gives you for the remainder of that lunge despite it being a basic attack. This has allowed me to get some hits that I really should not have been able to get because they were running flashlight range add-ons and standing too far away from the pallet. That, or I’m misremembering. I was blind after all, it’s not like I actually saw the lunge animation. But I’ve missed hits with the Legion tech before because I wasn’t close enough, and I never have while running friendship bracelet. I find it unlikely that this is a coincidence. I’d love to see you test this out to make sure.

  2. I managed to do that twice in a row against a Leon that was part of a bully squad

    I never managed to do it again, but I'm still proud of myself for this one time. Maybe with your tips I'll manage to do it more

  3. One more thing, enduring makes the legion tech much easier to do, bc if they stun you with a pallet, by the time you recover you're already blinded, with enduring you have more than enough time to recover from the stun, use frenzy to vault the pallet, and if they blinded you midvault then just kill them

  4. You never mention when to cancel the power to be able to get the injure. If you vault over during a blind and then hit the person, that's a ferral slash, not an injure. Where do you cancel the power? Do you even cancel the power or do you actually wait to be blinded?


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