New DbD Grind Math TL;DR | Dead by Daylight

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11 thoughts on “New DbD Grind Math TL;DR | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Asheru was here… I mean first… I mean Hello Space Coconut. Also Im not a fan of changes as Ive heard Im losing perks cause not all my characters were Prestiged. Unless they give some free credit for my already unlocked perks Im not going to be happy.

  2. The grind is reduced but it feels like the acquisition of bloodpoints has also been cut by removing the bp bonus from bbq and wglf. That's what I think most people are hung up about when they talk about the grind.

  3. What I like about this system is that you have a goal and a set reward.

    Let's say I want to play Blight. I specifically want to.use Pain Resonance, Corrupt, Tinkerer and Lethal Pursuer.

    In the old system I would need to first unlock those perks on Artist, Plague, Hillbilly and Nemesis. Then I would have to dump points into Blight in the hope that those specific perks would show up. The only gurantee I have of them doing so is I know if I get rid of every other perk I have unlocked I will eventually get them. But endless dumping of blood points hoping for those perks to show up is disheartening because you have no idea when it'll happen.

    Now I can prestige the 4 Killers whose perks I specifically want and my Blight has them. I am guranteed to have all 4 perks on my Blight if I want them. I can gurantee getting any of them at level 3 on the Blight if I prestige those Killers to level 3. I can set a goal to get those perks, focus on that goal and I know I can achieve it and how to do so.

    For me, the fact I can set such goals and realistically achieve them by following a set plan is what will make the game seem less of a grind.

    Yes, it sucks for newer players. But for players like me who had every Killer up to level 40 when we were still playing had to wade through a sea of perks we didn't want hoping and praying thwt rhe ones we did want to show up randomly, this is a much better system.

  4. Problem with these changes (on a personal level of course) :

    They came waaaay too late! I had it with this intolerable grind in mid February and even if i should be happy… I'm… Numb to these changes. For years players begged for a fix for the grind and they all fell in ears that decided to ignore us and laugh. Everything is just so slow to get fixed….

  5. good ideas but I feel like these changes don't justify removing BBQ, WGLF, and making BP from the shrine worse.

    If you basically cut the potential bloodpoint gain IN HALF then is it really a 59% reduction? or just a 9% reduction?

    They removed the BP gain from those perks because they didn't want Bloodpoint gain to factor into perk choice. Yet they left the bloodpoint bonus on perks like Prove thyself, Beast of prey etc…?

    realistically it just feels like they thought the grind wouldn't be long enough without halving your bloodpoint gain.

  6. I don't know why people assume everyone is going to P3 every character or something, it is not mandatory at all.
    Like you can P3 on important characters and leave everyone else on P1


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