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This video will show you how to obtain the secret “Soma’s Dark Side” Badge in dead by daylight. This is the hidden Easter Egg which comes with the Soma Cruz Legendary Cosmetic.
0:00 – 0:11 Equip All 3 Soul Charms From The Rift
0:12 – 0:25 All Soul Charms Rift Tiers
0:26 – 0:31 Escape As Soma With The Charms Equipped
0:32 – 0:41 Hear Castlevania Easter Egg Music & Unlock The Badge
0:42 – 0:55 Soma’s Dark Side Badge Showcase
If you’ve got any bugs you would like to showcase or submit feel free to join my discord server: Or feel free to email me a clip at [email protected]
#dbd #dbdclips #dbdshorts #deadbydaylight #DStrike #TheBox #Shorts #dbdbugs #chapter33 #castlevania #thedarklord #somacruz #easteregg
a different shade
How do people find this
This is such a wonderful easter egg and a big reference to the Good Ending path in Aria of Sorrow, which requires you to fight Graham Jones (Who is asserting himself as the new Dark Lord) with the Fire Demon, Succubus and Giant Bat souls.
DBD needs more easter eggs, secrets and ciphers.
After being apart of the “Black Ops 3 Impossible Easter Egg” these sorts of things are a fun way for devs and the community to communicate, while also giving the entire community something to work on TOGETHER.
Nice! A lot of nods to the Castlevania lore.
DBD should also give Dracula a "Dark side soma" skin, so we can see evil soma chasing good soma in game.
Does anyone know how to get the true form dracula badge? Or if it's even real? I've seen it online but idk hownto get it or anything and I really want it
Nice Video 👍
Gabe Soma or Soma Cruz?
Impressive how this was found
Wish I could have discovered this freely on my own, thanks for ruining that for me DStrike
Does it play the music every time or just the first time
Why soma reminds me of Griffith 💀
0:43 how can i get this badge with vecna
Soma nuts
That is pretty cool.
Behavior… More cool shit like this, please.
i hope they fix somas face if you dont know what im talking about have drac or anyone mori him of if he points
wow thanks for sharing !!! this is so cool i am gonna do tomorrow
Nice I'll do it when I unlock all my souls charm thank you
I have two sides ahh video
Soma when from Light to Kira
Basically if Leonardo da Vinci asked Mona Lisa why she was in a slightly odd mood
Oh boy they do this collab a love card for castlevania fans
Looks ugly
Wow hope they add more Easter eggs in this game this is a good step for that
they couldnt do this with scratch?
Was fun working with you and your friends D
Such a cool Easter egg for us Aria of Sorrow fans
Huh??? How the hell do you get that high on the rift already? I did all the challenges and I’m barely not done with 15