How To Play Against Pre-Dropping | Dead By Daylight

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21 thoughts on “How To Play Against Pre-Dropping | Dead By Daylight”

  1. This map is a joke with how survivor sided it is.
    If the survivors are remotely average on the game. And you're not a killer that can hit through pallets and over low loops. You just lose.
    Even eating through 5-10 pallets a minute will end with you losing

  2. How to win against a 4 man swf? Face camp . How to win against insta heals? Face camp. How to win against gen rushers? Face camp . How to win against pre dropping pallets? Face camp. How to win against against meta perks? Face camp.
    I swear this game pushes everyone including me to play like this , and the sad part is that you can't win without doing those if the survivors are abusing the game design and mechanics against you. Like wtf am I supposed to do if the game isn't rewarding me for playing nice ? No wonder alot of killer mains are leaving the game.

  3. On this map i specifically try hooking my obsession ( STBFL) and just camp. I play pig a lot or pinhead and it’s too many damn god pallets to try actually doing anything here. by the time you clear a good amount all gens are popped.

  4. And removing like and stopping watching at the hit on the Claud on the hook. She wasn't toxic, didn't deserve that hit. I'm probably also going to unsubscribe if this trend keeps up. This is not the sort of content I subscribed for.

  5. I'm glad I don't play this game anymore. Idk how you require "skill" to win as survivor when you have 30 plus pallets you can use and an abundance of God tiles that killers really don't have much they can do on. Not to mention the death threats and harassing messages. Meanwhile on Elder Scrolls online everyone is helpful and nice to me as a newer player. I think the problem with this game is about 60% of the community is brainwashed and delusional.

  6. Fucking hell spinechill and sprint burst on at least 3 of them.

    Typical squad all you need is pre-drops and voice comms to confirm the killer is still chasing you while the others blast gens.

    Zarina could have at least got a few loops out of the safer pallets before dropping maybe even faked a drop and gone for another lap to keep things interesting.

  7. it sure sucks how on m1 killers youre forced to play sweaty nowadays against most survivors, this is why i play huntress and billy now, they let me play chill and still win 4/5 games


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