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Dead by Daylights New Killer Sadako “The Onryo” Is one of my more favorite releases killer wise in quite a long time! A Ton of fun to play and cannot wait for live servers to get her!
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32 thoughts on “NEW RINGU KILLER IS TOO MUCH FUN! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. She looks like a lot of fun. But I can't play yet because I'm on ps5. But I can see survivors just turning off the TVs to deny her power with no real threat of being condemned and it being so easy to remove. And with no anti loop I feel like fun will become frustrating once survivors catch on.

  2. To make her most effective playing this build I think forced penance would be really insane on her since people play wide receiver and take hits 80 seconds of no healing can go a long way stbfl should be strong on her as well and either bbq or her scourge hook for information and jolt or eruption + her manual ruin is going to be nuts on her cause you kick the gen it regresses you down to explodes anyone on it loses actions for 16 seconds god I really cannot wait for March

  3. So from a survivors POV what is the scariest killer by looks alone?

    I thinking like you turn a corner and their standing in the middle of the street, is it one of the imposing ones like mirers or a beast like demi or a small creepy girl like this one? Were not counting ingame power just looks.

    For me it's the creepy girl as I understand her the least with someone like nurse or spirit next, I could probably out willpower freddy so I'm less worried about him so next most dangerous is stuff like Oni as he is too physically strong for me to deal with I mean electrcuting him with a broken lamp would have almost no effect other than making him mad at me.

  4. Looking forward to being able to play this killer for sure. I do feel like something will need to change with boons in the future though as more and more are added, especially the fact survivors can keep replacing them over and over-that isn't so bad while there is only a few boons but the more that are added the worse it will be I think

  5. This killer is really strong if you can get your downs. Unfortunately good survivors are just not going to go down to a m1 killer easily. Smart survivors will probably also take time to remove videotapes to prevent the Onryō from teleporting. The killer is a pretty fun alternative to Wraith though.

  6. As weak as she'll be once players realize she's just an m1 killer that can sometimes teleport to a gen she is actually really fun to play. I hope they buff the curse meter at least, its a joke currently.

  7. She seems really fun, but I wish the killer could see how many stacks of Condemned the survivors have. That, or maybe make her intermittent phasing start from not so far away. Maybe 16 or 20m from survivors instead of 32m

  8. I love this build but if I may add my opinion I would change discordance for the new perk that makes them have to hit hard skill checks. Also I wonder if Jonah’s perk that makes missed skill checks not count, if it counters the new perk 🤔


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