How to Stop Dead by Daylight from Bleeding Players

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23 thoughts on “How to Stop Dead by Daylight from Bleeding Players”

  1. People are mad and tired man. I myself had to take a break from the game more than once to not be completely burnt out. The devs seemingly make decisions based solely on numbers and graphs, not listening to the community, so when they change stuff it's usually 80% good but that last bad 20% fucking destroys either Killers or Survivors. It's very rare to see them do an update where everybody is pleased, and this just keeps burning the game more and more. If you're a killer main and you see like a billion changes to Survivors in a row, too many unnecessary nerfs to Killers or unnecessary buffs to Survivors, you start to get fed up with all of it until you basically lose the fun you have in the game. There's no fun, at least i could say with confidence that this represents the majority of players, in losing like 10 matches in a row because that one survivor brought a perk that's too strong for no reason, or because you like playing a killer that was recently bombed down to oblivion with unnecessary nerfs.

    All this is from the perspective of someone who now only finds it fun to play Killer anymore, and i can say that i completely understand when Killers say "i'm leaving, they didn't need to bomb x killer or y perk but they did anyway, i'm taking a long break at the very least". I know the situation is basically the same with Survivors as well. People are just getting tired of BHVR, not DbD.

  2. See I still love this game been playing since 2017 I dont see myself quitting this game for a long time, but I can agree we haven't gotten anything new and yea we got the skull merchant but is she really new shes just boring to play and to go against and I haven't seen her in one game since a "rework"

  3. I always felt that a second objective (all while making this dull objective rather shorter) would be a great addition! This could be something nice because when playing survivor I can fall asleep spending 90s on a gen. That and maybe make the game a little more interesting stealth wise and add more self defence items.

  4. No one will recommend dbd to anyone now..bro dbd is most sertanally quiting, management is destroying every aspect with the game on purpos..its gone management knows it..and they're moving on to make the next game..and they have the RIGHTS so you can hope that they do a good job with what's next……and that's a NEW game bro nothing to do with DBD..

  5. All I know is the legit survivor mains I.e. dont play killer at a high level, cry about every survivor nerf and completely disregard all the killers issues. Dude all the new maps even the remakes are complete garbage for killer. The collision and hit boxes are all terrible on every map too. Its awful for m2 killers like billy and huntress etc. Even the rrmakes like red forest. Its worse. The new skull merchant McMillan map is atrocious with that neted area near main with the long ass walls and Windows thats also near shack.

    Its straight up not fun as killer, more so now than ever. Theres very littlr mind games to be had at these tiles. Even the new autohaven yea they opened the car areas up but main is 10x stronger as usual. Its not even fun when you get to a part of the map where if you chase you know youre throwing the game so you either chase and lose or go pressure someone else that is going to shift W amd run to the broken parts of the map.

    All I know is ive been playing since 2016 and I play both survivor and killer about a 40/60 split and I cant stand survivor mains anymore. Hopping over to texas chainsaw massacre and never looking back

  6. This is the exact thing I have been saying will happen to the game due to the constant survivor nerfs. Yeah killers should feel strong and feel like a winnable roll, but repeatedly nerfing 80% of the player base is just not a good feeling. Survivors have needed nerfs in certain situations but it’s more of a swf aspect than a survivor aspect as a whole

  7. Hide by daylight, simply hide and seek in dbd…
    Dead by daylight – perk rulet
    Survive in daylight – 1v1 mode, with your own personal records against each individual killer
    Prop in daylight – prophunt
    Be the daylight – survivals are invisible but have to move at all time,. Killer has to find them base on their running sounds and breathing.

    Note: no generators in any of those mods (except perk rulet; which is almost normal dbd), usually one hit one kill (except for the survive in daylight and perk rulet)

  8. I agree. Dbd needs to do something different. New game mode, mechanics. Maybe sell new mori's for killers and special emotes for survivors. Id also like for dbd to slow down on killers/survivors dlc and maybe add more maps and quality of life to the game. 1-2 new chapters a year would be enough imo.

  9. They need to reduce the number of Gens but in return make the gens be craftable so there is something else survivors and killers have to play along with for more opportunities.

  10. Behavior needs to do something and something fast. Street Fighter 6, Diablo and my new favorite party game Exoprimal are all around the corner. Once all of these multiplayer games drop, the queues will definitely go up without any new game modes.

  11. I don't agree with core mechanics being changed, and why would they do it now business wise? If I were them, I wouldn't do that. But the idea of custom modes and server sounds fun.

  12. the amount of interaction went down this patch, now everyone is just speed running their side's objective with no meaning trying to find "fun" and discovering the core gameplay is not "fun"


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