How Tome IX Saved the Trickster | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Welcome friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be looking into the fantastic lore in Tome IX: Crescendo and discussing the character of Ji-Woon Hak, where his base lore fell short and how the new Tome dramatically remedied it.

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45 thoughts on “How Tome IX Saved the Trickster | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. I still disagree with your analysis on Trickster's original lore. His sloppiness was always, imo, purposeful. He's a narcissistic sociopath who thinks he always will get away with it. His sloppiness is more like taunting than actual sloppiness.

  2. I always found the trickster to be one of the scariest cause he's a regular person. He has charming good looks and is an idol to a ton of fans, all the while oblivious to his true monstrous self. He looks like someone I'd probably grab a beer with. That's why he's called the Trickster. Cause his appearance is beyond deceiving

  3. Lol what if exhaustion also affected running speed but only when someone is going in a straight line, so maybe survivors will slow down if they run straight for 7 seconds, and the main way is the game detects if you’re running straight is solely based upon the length of time you’re not within 5 meters of another structure, so technically it’s not that you aren’t running straight it’s how long you aren’t in a loop. In return killers lose bloodlust, but also killers are changed to adjust their power at loops, either to be weaker or stronger

  4. sadly, i still feel guilty for playing him because of how obnoxious he is to play against. i always try to avoid things that are only fun for one side because i play both sides about equally so i always try to sympathize with the side im not playing. i hope he gets a rework because he’s kinda just Huntress with less risk, less reward, and less counterplay and he’s really boring to play against. a rework could also make his power to fit his personality and artistic flair more than just “light up knives lol”. idk just my opinions

  5. Trickster's new lore took him to a new level of evil. The (fan?) concept that the more monstrous the Killers look the more the Entity had to twist and manipulate them to become its tools made the fact the Trickster looks almost entirely human seem like a hole. Until the new lore revealed he really was a prolific and sadistic serial killer who really just needed the promise of MORE to walk into the Fog.

  6. Yes yes yes yes! I always loved play trickster, he is my second main ( after Oni and the third is Deathslinger) and always loved his skins, design and his ability. Was a really simple ability but machine gun knife is just so fun for me. But his lore let a bitter taste in my mouth. Really liked the idea of crazy artist but the execution was mediocre at best. Now he has a great fucking tome and another cool skin ( all though they could have kept his mask on and it would have been better) so I'm a pretty happy guy, all three of my mains have fun gameplay and good ass stories, hell to the yeah.

  7. Great video as usual Mr Pixel lore man! It's so nice that my favourite killer received a great tome story and people are starting to appreciate him more. I adored him even before this tome but now I love this flamboyant man even more. Hope Feng and Artist get their individual tomes soon because I think their base lore is not that great. Cheers!

  8. Here’s my own take on idolization: There are people I idolize, absolutely; but this pushes me to try my best to be a better person. I think, one of the most rewarding things they can know, is that they inspired their fans to be better and do better. When I idolize someone, I want to be the kind of person that they would be proud of; it doesn’t matter if they know or not. You don’t do it for recognition, you do it because that person is one more thing in your life that has shaped you.

    The disturbing part is that this applies to the bad as well as the good. Evil begets more evil.

  9. I feel like there could be an interesting dynamic between the Trickster and his fans. A psychopathic demagogue that has legions willing to cover up or kill for him, but will also hate and violently retaliate against those that upstage him.

  10. Even without this tome, I really liked his lore. One of my favorite parts of just the base lore was the final part, where he slaughtered the Mightee One higher-ups.

    You notice some very intresting parallells between Yun-Jin’s text, and Ji-Woon’s. In Yun-Jin’s, she describes it as nothing but carnage, a mass murder.
    However when you read Trickster’s part of the story, you see it describe how he dances between the bodies, slashing and striking them in different areas to produce a variety of sound.

    Why isn’t this mentioned in Yun Jin’s story? Because it’s something that only the Trickster hears, which is imo such a cool little detail to show just how delusional he is. He sees a tasteful performance, she sees murder. It’s a nice and slick detail I noticed that I thought might’ve gone over a lot of people’s heads.

  11. I'm honestly super excited to see a Feng Min tome well I love certain elements of her backstory some of it just doesn't really click well.

    Hopefully they can do something that succeeds a lot better in fleshing her out the proper way


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