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Hey everyone, today I’m going to be testing your knowledge of Dead by Daylight, all the way from cosmetics to lore. For this quiz there are five categories, at least for this video, if people like this I might change them up from quiz to quiz. This time round though we have a General Knowledge round, followed by a Picture Round, a Cosmetics Round, a Lore Round, and finally a Sound Round. Some questions will just ask for an answer and others will be multiple choice. Each question is worth a point, unless otherwise noted. After each round I will reveal the answers, after the whole thing is completed, drop your scores down in the comments. Let’s see if you can answer all of these correctly. I’ve tried to make some of them pretty tough, so good luck.
The Resident Evil x Dead by Daylight chapter is out and the new killer is Nemesis and survivors, Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine. The Racoon City Police Department is the new map!
Music used from YouTube Audio Library: Clean and Dance – An Jone
Hope you enjoy!
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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):
Intro 0:00
General Knowledge 0:39
General Knowledge answers 2:05
Picture Round 3:09
Picture Round answers 3:39
Cosmetics Round 4:03
Cosmetics Round answers 5:52
Lore Round 6:51
Lore Round answers 8:26
Sound Round 9:21
Sound Round answers 10:07
Outro 10:27
Hey everyone, for the next week or two I'm going to be taking a break from social media/the internet as a whole (aside YouTube of course). As some of you may remember way back in December of 2020 I was in hospital for mental health reasons. This year so far has been great on the whole, but YouTube can be stressful with having to always come up with new and original stuff. Also, earlier this year my grandad passed away, which has affected me more than I thought it would. Basically, I'm not feeling so great at the moment and all the online world does is amplify anything I'm feeling, especially when having to engage with negativity (majority of you are great). I'll do my best to remain active here, but elsewhere I'm switching off. Schedule will remain the same too.
The picture rounds should be side by side not the diagonal thing imo.
I got 28/50, though not much. I’m glad I got enough!
I tend to go back and forth with the game so I was pretty happy with my results.
"how well do u know dbd? " Uses spot the differences to answer that question
How do you not get hate comments
i got 34 out of 50 not great
My scores; 7/10 for general knowledge, 10/10 for picture round, 4/10 Cosmetic Round, 6/10 Lore Round, 8/10 Sound Round.
Total: 35/50
48 I was close
Score: 2/50
Don’t mind me just writing my scores
7/10 for general knowledge
8/10 for pictures
4/10 for cosmetics
6/10 for lore
3/5 for sound
28/45 total
62% not bad
that was so fun please do another!! <3
24 points
22 1/3
Hey you should do Killer Terror Radius music. I kinda get confused on Doctor and Nemesis.
21/50, also I hope you’re doing okay with what’s going on in your life.
33/50! Did better than I thought I would
I thought the first sound was billy
General knowledge I got 4, 5, and 10 incorrect.
Picture round I got all of them but the charm on the hook
For cosmetics I got all of them wrong but 5, 6 and 8
Lore round i got 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10 correct
For sound round I only got sound 4 wrong
I got a 28, I think I did pretty well considering I have only been playing since October 2020 (So I didn't know what was in the rift in the early days) and I only didn't know the cosmetics/add ons because I still do not yet own all the characters. I'm proud of my score lol, I'd love more of these videos in the future.
Also my condolences to your grandpa, I hope you take the time you need to heal for yourself. Your videos are awesome and I'm sure we would all agree that we would rather you be at your best before rushing back into making content.
smh my 200+ hours are a waste /sarc
I just thought of something, that might even be a good video idea, What do you think happens to the killers if they displease the entity too much?
Hearing AZHYMOVS little chuckle after he says something cheeky or smart is one of the best things about his videos
General Knowledge: 7
Picture Round: 8
Cosmetics: 9 (I got Question 4 wrong)
Lore: 8
Sound: 5
Total: 30
I got a 26…still need some studying I suppose
I am truely sorry to hear about what's going on, between your mental health and your grandpa.. I know it can be hard, but you can get through this!! I think taking a break would be perfect for you!! We all just want to see you power through this and we will all be here to support you!!!! ❤️ Also, I really enjoyed the quiz!!! I would definitely love to see more in the future when you are ready of course!!
My score was 41/50!!!!
1st round was 7/10
2nd round was 10/10
3rd round was 6/10
4th round was 8/10
5th round was 10/10