HUGE EVIL DEAD News Could Give DBD Access to the WHOLE FRANCHISE – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews the new Evil Dead franchise licensing news, which combines all versions of the Evil Dead except Army of Darkness under 1 entity. This could mean that Behaviour would have easier access to license in more content into Dead by Daylight.

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27 thoughts on “HUGE EVIL DEAD News Could Give DBD Access to the WHOLE FRANCHISE – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Much as I'd love to see an Evil Ash skin for Knight or an AoD Ash (complete with sick cape), I'm willing to sacrifice that for the possibility of Bhaal, Kelly, Pablo, Ruby, Casey, Ash's Dad, David, Nia, etc come to the game as skins. The sheer skin potential alone for this is MASSIVE, hell I'd even take a second paragraph chatper if it just meant a new collection or killer to rep Evil Dead further.

  2. Ash Williams when he sees deadite killer Henrietta in the trials: okay yeah screw that I'm out.

    Other survivors: wait Ash you know this?

    Ash Williams: well yeah that's the nasty ass witch that's been bothering me for the past 30 goddamn years and you guys think I'm just a joke both you guys and killers screw all of you, if you guys think alien, some mask superhuman being of evil, or zombies and monsters are walk in the park then you guys are not ready for what I've been through.

  3. I want a full proper Evil Dead chapter more than most things.

    – Cabin map (or just add the cabin + shack to one of the generic forest maps)
    – Henrietta killer (this stronger-than-most deadite appeared in ED1, ED2, AND the series, and has iconic voice lines, making it the obvious choice)
    – New survivor — Either Kelly (Ash vs Evil Dead) or Beth (Evil Dead Rise), whomever would be more popular
    – Young Ash as either Legendary, or as regular cosmetics so it can be mixed/matched with old Ash cosmetics.
    – More voice lines for Ash, for during gameplay

    Future Legendary releases:
    – Kelly/Beth, Pablo, Mia (Evil Dead 2013)

  4. That's also great for Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat 11 had Ash Williams ready to be released, but some copyright bs happened and he was cancelled. He was even teased at the Kombat Pack 1 trailer for MK11 and his name was on the first 30 minutes Kombat Pack 1 DLC advertise in-game. Now… With this, we can finally have him in the game.


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