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This Dead by Daylight New Survivor Gameplay, while I don’t play a ton of Survivor on stream, today we decided to play a lot and I know the Survivor content has been lacking lately so hopefully this is okay! hope this video is entertaining and helpful to the Dead by daylight and dbd mobile communities, and since dead by daylight crossplay is a thing now hopefully console players can gain something from the video as well! Enjoy the DBD Rank 1 Survivor gameplay!
First live stream I watch gets on YouTube as well 🤣. That demo definitely uninstalled the game.
hey red, early!!!
Yes new Survivor video!
It's always surprising to see you play survivor and how seamlessly you can switch back and forth between killer and survivor.
That demo was straight up not having a good time…
love the thumbnail LOL
I was that demogorgan I now remember the outfit your wearing I just started jk jk
But I littleraly just started the game 2 days ago I love using demo
I was possibly one of those demogorgans I am bad at the game because I just started 2 days ago I'm a demo main
Yep one of those demos was me I JUST STARTED THE GAME HOLY
Somewhere there's a demo player crying a corner and having developed an irrational fear of rabbits XD
Next 30 days deathslinger or pyramid head ?
Aw he was rank 7
What Bitrate do you set your twitch streams at? I’m using twitch to record some of my gameplays just to look back over them. I figured out 5000 Kbps at 1440p 60fps is no where close to enough
Solid survivor games
Pls dont play survivor anymore, i really feel sorry for every killer your in match with.
But you being a killer ang killing survivor is okay for me.
I didn’t think Reds version of DBD had the option for survivor
As a demo main I am disappointed in whoever was on the other side of that screen.
It could have been worse for those Demo’s
If they were on Haddonfield the looping would be even more brutal
Hey red, are you going to make a new rank 1 mindset? Your guides really help me and many other people to learn the game and i actually got hook to the channel, cheers!
That demo getting looped on library was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time.
At the end I would of t-bagged him
You are not toxic when playing a survivor, I like that!
Every year, each day of every second, people contribute to the act of Demo abuse. With not more than a donation of $98.89 USD you can assist in bringing up the confidence of Demos, as well as letting them feast on pink rabbits freely. Help with this problemo, and maybe you'll save a Demo.
OMG that match!
The first time I saw you play survive and you got tunnel and facecamp XD
That poor demopuppy omg
No player deserves what these demogorgons went through (except pinky finger clowns, iridescent hatchet huntress', tricksters with the lowest hit are ons, and deathslingers in general).
Jeez, one point and that first Demogorgon was seeing red! (No pun intended)
Rip that demo
this wasnt really demo's fault. i understand the anger about looping, he cant be blamed. after all, the killer role is heavily exploited by most survivors, and noone can stop that. sadly, this game is survivor sided. as we all know. hopefully it will change someday.
they could fix the game by making killers in general faster, this would also help with looping. this could prevent genrushing and maybe camping etc. too but there would be another solution. but why cant bhvr fix the game like its soo easy. they could gain more money by making the playerbase happy, itd be willing to skip 2 chapters for this.
i would love a hard mode tho for survivors that die on 1st hook or second. multipliers for bp, also for killer etc.
That poor Demo!!! 😭😭😭
I was just wondering yesterday if I would ever see survivor gameplay from Red. I guess my wish was answered
Its too sweaty at this rank, like this guy memorized all the vault location, it becomes a esport game at this point
Rip Bozo (Demo)
Wow was that demo just annoyed you looped him for the entire game
That rpd game was nasty 💀
Can we talk about how auras of hooked survivors are mirrored on the floor of rpd?