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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty


39 thoughts on “HUGE SALTY GASLIGHTING SURVIVOR! Dead by Daylight”

  1. SWF squads be like "we won cause were better :)" and also "you killed us cause you cheated :(" you literally cannot win fair in their mind cause they rightfully expect to win every game. You can tell they were all redditors and entitled survivors.

  2. I guess when you are a survivor the brain is the first thing to go. Do they not see how Tru won that by killing three of the 4 survivors? I mean how stupid is a player when they act like they won?
    Never change dude and keep showing them that you won't be bullied anymore.

  3. My second longest win streak killer wise was with a 110 ms killer funny enough.. But that was also pre-boon existence.. A setup perk wise that I seriously doubt would work now.. That killer being Hag using a build that used Third Seal as its cornerstone. Its was easy to protect back then as Hag but not quite as much so now.. The longest win streak being Wraith surprisingly.. That one existed pre-boon update to a bit after they where added.. When survivors finally realized how good some perks still where and ultimately finally ran into a survivor group that ended that streak.. Came close to beating my Hag's streak with other killers but none have come close to my Wraiths so far.. I am not sure if I will ever have a run as good as that one again either.

  4. I get those same comments, but my response is a killer goes against 16 perks, 4 flashlights, tool boxes or med kits, a numerous amount of pallets and window vaults, body blocks, and a 4v1. They lose and still have the nerve to get upset and trash talk a killer… All the while a killer is expected to just play the game with no kills and no hits… You played awesome!

  5. These survivors were absolutely destroyed in chase and three of them were sacrificed, yet they somehow think they won because one of them got hatch, which is completely RNG-based. Total clowns.

  6. "So many gens about be done" game goes for another 10 minutes. Its surprising you haven't learned in over 7k hours that as they complete gens and the gens they need to complete less, your gen regression perks do more and more because its easier to keep a less number of gens secure. Also running 4 gen slow down perks you don't have the right to complain about how fast gens are going, especially using current eruption, but you don't play survivor anymore so you don't understand just how unhealthy it is for the game.

  7. This goes to show how freakin strong tunneling someone out of a game at anytime given time is. Gen rush is a huge problem, don't get me wrong. But the fact that he was able to turn the game around in 3 minutes is absolutely insane by doing the most brainless act, camping and tunneling. Yet Tru constantly says how easy survivors are. Um…. strongest thing to do as a killer (tunnel someone out) is such an easy, non skillful, thing to do. And i know Tru has said his favorite thing he likes to do as a survivor or killer is chase, yet he still tunnels because he likes to win more. So… what's wrong with wanting to win more than being chased as a survivor? I love to be chased, but i also love to win. What's the problem. The narrative Tru comes up with sometimes just to be even more biased than before is hilarious.

  8. While I understand that survivors are salty man, please let it go. I see videos you post have this more consistently lately and the negativity it brings or aspires is just draining because I had followed your videos since Huntress release. You were such a wholesome player, and you are the reason I learned how to play killer so well. I learned how to play old Freddy with double block add-ons, and I learned the optimal hit and run playstyle that you used to prove to everyone how to make Wraith and Ghostface stronger. Everyone is trying to play to win and while I encourage it being competitively natured as all humans instinctually are, you have moved away from your best builds mindset to use perks and play around them instead of playing around the killer's power that you used so long ago. I really hope this changes for the better at some point because now it just feels like losing a great positive influence in the game that has only caused him misery and bitterness.

  9. Survivors be like oh why did you tunnel me it’s like when you just sit down and do 3 gens in like 2 minutes how is a killer even supposed to win by hooks games kinda broke I stopped playing cause it’s pointless after your mmr hits a certain point

  10. Survive mains definitely love chases but the key detail they leave out is the chases they love are when all the gens are done n both exit gates can be opened at anytime so they can get hit n shift W to teabag at the exit so basically chases with zero consequences for bein trash as Tru proves the majority of them are they just are really good at doin simple shit that you can turn yo brain off I.E. hold m1 n hit space every few dozen seconds

  11. Congrats True the gay community is completely stunned at the masterful performance you put on

    Not to mention the way you tried to deflect your masterfully gay game play by saying the other survivors were salty at you

  12. That's why I hate MMR, no survivor could loop you effectively. Instant dying state and at the end of the game while you're trying to control over the map.
    survivor: "EZ".

    That's why I do every possible "shit" that survivors don't like. Tunnel/camp/facecamp/slugging and etc …

  13. Survivors always tunneling those gens. You're supposed to do 25% progression a gen, and then move to a new one. Get them all to 25%, then move back to the first one. I wonder how they'd feel if a killer explained that to them every match lmao

  14. Survivor mains in a nutshell 🤣 It's funny how they think they do no wrong. I get these ones theeee very most 😂 For them to be in my lobby they've definitely gotta know what they're doing. I'll never understand why they say the shit they do 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


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