Humbling SALTY SURVIVORS With THE SINGULARITY! | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller

0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Gameplay


27 thoughts on “Humbling SALTY SURVIVORS With THE SINGULARITY! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. These fuggin survivors dude. I play on my switch more often than not for the simple reason of I don't have to hear their ridiculous whining when their bullshit doesn't work. They expect free wins WHILE stacking the deck as much as possible, and have every little excuse for their failure even when you run no slowdown. Pedantic brats.

  2. Today I went against a Singularity and had a Meg DC on the first hook in the game :I I had fun with the game though but Meg has has enough before it even started. It's crazy to me how people want to sit on gens 24/7 but as soon as they get chased for 1 minute they give up lol

  3. So I uninstalled forever ago. I just haven't had fun in ages. I came back about a month ago and I got these exact rejects! And it went just like this because you have to tunnel and slug when they haven't touched their preferred sex, only gens. And yeah, the end game was spicy. From them. I just kept say "ok" and "you betcha champ."

  4. Yk imma just be real, when you call people ugly and pathetic in the first two min of the vids just for running meta stuff it really doesn’t make me feel as bad for you. Like I’m a killer main so ik it isn’t fun to go against but like the whole point of the game is to win. So when then survivors use the best stuff to win, though it may suck, doesn’t mean you should just be a jerk to them the entire time. Ofc they are still cringe for getting mad but like from the amount of trash talking you did it makes me feel less bad for you when they get mad at the end

  5. I'm never going to forgive you if I get Singularity because you're making me want to play him, only to get destroyed over and over by 5 year olds running toolboxes and WoO abusing the fact it takes longer to destroy half the pallets on each map than it takes to finish 5 gens.

    The t-bags as they're losing after doing absolutely nothing skillful all match always gets me. And then "bming when you down someone is bragging" literally RIGHT AFTER t-bagging in your face before getting downed. All while complaining about what you bring as they themselves bring disgusting shit. Any less self-awareness and they'd be about as self-aware as bacteria, it drives me crazy to know people like this are more common than people like you and the ones in this comment section.

  6. As a killer main, you were playing just as unsavory as the survivors. It was just constant complaining and name calling. I get that they were running some crazy stuff, but so were you. I don’t mind you running three meta perks, it just gets kind of hypocritical to complain about perks when you are running the same thing on the killer side. They were gen rushing, you were tunneling, both are equally unfun to face. Sure the survivors were acting like babies, but so were you.

  7. man I tried to enjoy a video about humbling toxic survivors but i couldn't pay attention due to your constant whining. Sure these survivors where annoying as hell, as a killer main i can relate, but holy shit you where worse. every single second was followed by an insult or your bitching. Next time maybe humble yourself just a tad.

  8. Hey man, so look. A lot of people who actually leave comments are either raging or gassing the uploader up, and the ones who almost but didn't quite sub will just move on without saying why, which doesn't actually give helpful feedback.

    I'm not trying to tell you how to be or anything, but after I got a solid laugh out of "you criminals", the negativity got to be too much.

    You're super good and totally correct that the salt was dumb on their part (lol'd at Mikela saying your 1v1 was bad), but you raging the whole time put me off. Gave DSP energy.

    Best of luck to you, though! You've got all the tools to make it huge. 🙂

  9. One of the reasons I stopped playing DBD is because of survivors constantly moaning about killers playing in ways that make the game unfun for them while also playing in extremely unfun ways for the killers side


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