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New killer Weskers power can be VERY strong!
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tf is that map
hunk is my favorite re4 mercenary character
This is not Hunk just Legion pretending to be Hunk.
Idk about y'all but wouldn't it have made More sense to add Krauser instead of hunk. Maybe it's just me idk
Love the video Tru3
He moves funny 🤣
The true 4th survivor
How did you get that skin?!??!?@?#@?#?!@?A??DS?F
i absolutely hate that he is a legion skin and not a survivor skin, and I dont even mean this just because of what I main just that it really doesnt add up for him to be a legion skin. hunk was a tactical badass and legion is a bunch of edgy teens with no combat prowess other than stab. like legions mori looks so out of place and goofy as hunk
Ah I thought this was legit. Damn
haha nice skin
The biggest surprise out of all the skins IMO.
Although I like to think Legion is just a huge RE fan. Hunk, Mr Death, the Grim Reaper himself, is too badass to be played as an edgy teenager.
not sure if i would of wanted Hunk on a Survivor or Killer more
Love your channel. One of the most educational killer players I've seen. I have a question though. Throughout the history of your channel, I've always noticed that you say "pop" whenever you put a survivor on a hook. Is this an OCD thing, or is it something to do with covering up the gross hook-going-through-flesh noise the game makes when you hook a survivor?
Or maybe it's simply a tradition that started long ago and has become habit? No hate here, just genuinely curious about the reason behind this, as I've noticed it for several years now.
Was kinda hoping hunk was a survivor 😑
Is it me or his animations as HUNK feel awkward? I had 2 run up on me and I was incredibly concerned/confused
"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter"
Yup now I'm getting the game again… Damn you DBD
Typical behavior couldn't even bother to add the voice lines, just threw on the ones from legion. lmfao
someone tell me who hunk is?
Really shocked that you ignored the guy in the locker at the start.
"This is DbD, Survival is YOUR responsibility. The Death will never die"
I absolutely love this skin. Even through its flaws. Hell I even made a good legion build to hell me be immersed with hunk. Though j wish he was silent or like had a better more adult grunt.
However this is awesome personally and I love the lore application of, are they zombies to him. Or was he escaping the rod and he believes this is still his escape. And he has to kill to leave
No sleep pills make it easier to hit more than 1 frenzy. I don’t play legion without that add on.
Speed add-on is shit to be honest, barely any value from it over basekit. I'd rather use the "meme" add-on that literally doubles your duration because as long as you immediately hit them with it, you're still as fast as basekit
New survivor skin: Tofu
"Legion hitting frenzy multiple times is quite rare" I dont know why any of you fucks watch this chomo anymore. He couldnt hack it in Evil Dead so he went back to a shitty game and still is talking mad shit but cant handle when others talk shit about him. Pussy.
for the price it wouldve been cool if it also had a different chase music/ mixtape
legion is such a good pick to main due to all of his different customisation options and different chase music
His Frenzy animation is so odd in Third Person. Wish they made it a bit less weird looking but still, love that HUNK is in the game now.
Tbh, even if Hunk wasn't supposed to be Legion he also shouldn't be a survivor considering with that type of armors should require more than 2 attacks only to injure him
I love the m9 knife
"It sounds like legion, but he has a mask on"
Hold on a second.
Would have been better as a survivor seems to odd having him as a legion skin
Shame that licenses can't really cross over. I feel like HUNK would've fit Ghostface the best.
all I could imagine seeing hunk is him chanting as he brutally slashes a survivor is “extraction… extraction, EXTRACTION,
E X T R A C T I O N !”