My Final Guess for the RE Chapter ~Dead by Daylight~

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🙂 Just a quick one!
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Music by HH Streambeats:
Ending Theme by Jon Rob:


25 thoughts on “My Final Guess for the RE Chapter ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. To get really crazy… something they've NEVER done before… TWO KILLERS! There is evidence that the killer will be something from the earlier games, but there is also evidence it'll be one from the new games, that whole number 5 fiasco. Then the line "Something that both new and old players alike can enjoy", I'm paraphrasing of course, but that would be unprecedented and since the anniversary is coming up plus it being a HUGE name like Resident Evil, they really should pull out all the stops.

    Survivors can be Claire Redfield and Ethan Winters. Both having legendary cosmetics to allow other characters to "join" the game.

    While I do doubt this idea myself, as the amount of bugs involved with introducing two killers would likely be astronomical, it would awesome. Both Nemesis and one of Dimitriscu's daughters? I'd be more than ok with this.

  2. I will be disappointed if is the nemesis, cuz he is gonna be watered down as fuck. He is a killing machine for fucks sake. You really wanna see him treated like a lil bitch? Tea bagged? Clicky clicky? Body blocked?

  3. I hope we get Mr X instead! He had such a cool design and his power would be more simple and easier to incorporate than having a rocket launcher for example. He also has a transformation with the huge claw arm!

  4. They could had done something so much more complex, but is gonna be a basic killer. Imagine if the killer had the ability to infect survivors and they eventually turn into zombies, they bite other survivors when in close proximity. You gotta find blue herbs scattered around to cure yourself. And the killer has an iridescent addon that the obsession cannot cure the infection.

  5. Fun fact, there was a scene wrote for Nemesis to actually eat a Mr.X (since essentially X is the lesser "breed" without the healing parasites Nemesis has. Explains some of his mutations how he gets so big. Essentially his dna absorbs EVERYTHING which is why he instantly heals from bullets/rockets. While I think X is a walking meme along with tall lady, I see no harm in doing legendary skins further down the line. Ithink the 5 refers to the 5 characters, 4 survivors 2 fem, 2 male and the one killer.

  6. Imo i think it will be Nemesis, Leon, Claire and the map being spencers mansion
    If not that Jill, Chris, Mr X (tyrant) and the map being Raccoon City Police Department

  7. I thought of a interesting concept for Nemesis, it would be so cool to see a turning power where his special infects survivors , survivors have to find the cure around the map, infected players can be healed by med kits but not by other survivors , the infection has four stages, stage 1:You cannot heal others , stage 2: You cannot work on generators, stage 3: you cannot unhook hooked players , stage 4: Fully infected, when they become fully infected they die and the infection takes over there body…People who die from the infection become slow walking zombies

  8. If nemesis does get in my idea is he will have a standard power then a sorta weapons caches scattered throughout the map like a Rocket launcher M1 with 1 time use and maybe his standard power is his long range grab


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