HUNTRESS IN THE EVENING! – Dead by Daylight!

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11 thoughts on “HUNTRESS IN THE EVENING! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. In my experience, during evening killer queues are way faster, meaning there is more survivor than killers players at this time. Since the matchmaking also prioratizes queue time, it expands mmr range for lower/avearage mmr survivors (most players), increasing the chance of higher mmr killers getting lower mmr survivors. During morning and afternoon this distrbuition seems to be the other way around. So it would make sense to get easier games at evening/night time.

  2. Yea Tru3 I think you should make the switch to evening. Just out of concern for ur own sanity. You've been through more than enough so now u can just relax a bit more on the evening playerbase

  3. from 8-12(midnight ) this game becomes rlly easy for killers i have seen and vs lobbys vs 4 man swfs with 5k hrs each or more and they went down like babys , trust me on daytime i would shit myself against those surv, but late daytime ? nah!!! take everything except private profiles and under lvl 10 acc bec of all the hackers

    night time itself (after midnight) is kinda a mixed back sometimes the army of baby surv stays but sometimes esp on the weekends hardcore sweatlords come out to play at excactly that time its horrible way worse then anything daytime can throw at you

    so yeah if you wanna relax 8-12 pm
    but dont take the gamble after imo


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