DO NOT DESERVE THIS | Dead by Daylight

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Sometimes you play really tense, still lose, sometimes you play really ass, get the WIN! This was an awesome end to a horrendous match! Enjoy!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


26 thoughts on “DO NOT DESERVE THIS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Lol. Good on them for wanting to help each other, I guess. I've been ditched before on my first hook after games where I unhooked and healed them multiple times and soloed multiple gens.

  2. It's nice to see someone put videos of their less successful matches, I mean yeah they threw at the end but it wasn't an easy win throughout the match.

  3. Dbd ain't gonna be as fun when this cornuz Zen fully kicks in and some dbd streamers think its bots killing them πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  4. bro honestly, this was me with oni yesterday for my first game with him…. FOR THEN 2 guys with top tier DS, Dead hard etc to say some toxic crap in end game chat… like lol how low must your MMR actually be to go against a lvl 5 first time oni, and howw shit of a person must you be to then belittle the person in chat, its cool though ive got his steam tag for when im any other killer and im waiting to see him, to press record πŸ™‚
    Loved this vid

  5. A prime example of a game never being over until the final survivor escapes/dies. Loved how you were so light-hearted whilst having a game like that – best way to be!
    Also, Billy is a killer that I always end up enjoying, even if I have a crap game!

  6. Altruism always kills man. Logically it makes the most sense to have just got a 3 man escape. But I did it too when I played.. I think some people are cocky (maybe in a game like this where you didn't do so well) and get over confident. But I think a lot of people like the challenge of trying to get whoever is on hook out. I would often unhook with BT and hope they got out. If I died I wasn't that bothered, especially if they did get out.

  7. We played a clown yesterday. we rush gens and looped him around 3 gens. Then he poped devour hope and we try break his totem. he kill all 3 of my friends and I manage get to hatch.but he best clown I seen yet .i was twitch streaming and message him. guy was really chill and good player. Told him his clown was nasty and if wasnt 4 hatch. he would of got 4k .he wasnt bad At all he playing dumb then turn tables and destroyed us at last moment .it was fucking brilliant plus scary as he'll.we messed up lol .but always good play good killer . I'm killer main my self and it was fun game tbh .you never know when he comeing and man was brilliant

  8. I love those matches where you struggle and then the survivors lose it at the end πŸ˜‚ I’ve had a lot of killer games where I’ve played like shit, survivors got cocky and more aggressive and I flipped it back on em to get a 4k. Sometimes you need to reassess how you’re playing

  9. You are doing a king's job mate. Showing that the most important about playing a killer in this toxic game is not so much about a skill but about keeping your cool and ability to learn from your mistakes. You are really inspiring.

  10. 1:38 thats so hilarious :'D
    Hillbilly's a good boy but i think you really need to get used to him i always get rekt playing him lol
    You haven't played really ass you just followed the Bubba Rule Number 69: ''A chainsaw is like a license to camp at endgame no matter the form or shape''
    I mean they had fun until the hooksituation where they tried very very very good but failed but something like that leaves a bad taste and i can't blame them lol
    And ofc you deserve the 4k you suffered with hillbilly all match long :'D


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