HUNTRESS ON RACOON CITY MAP! – Dead by Daylight Resident Evil Chapter!

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20 thoughts on “HUNTRESS ON RACOON CITY MAP! – Dead by Daylight Resident Evil Chapter!”

  1. I've found that the two gens in the middle are incredibly hard to finish if the killer has any speed or crossmap pressure. In certain situations such as killer having ruin, it can be an acutal headache for survivor despite the large map.

  2. I feel like there should be two versions of the map, 1 with the right side open and the left side closed, and vice versa, otherwise it will just be the most tedious map to play for both ends. Besides that, it's such a good looking map!

  3. They really need to break down some walls, or have different variations of the map where some rooms are inaccessable. I also think those two really good windows close to each other need to have a breakable wall on at least one of them.

    They probably can't break down walls due to licensing reasons but they could probably have some areas behind locked doors depending on map variation.

  4. i feel like there are enough areas in this map that bottleneck survivors that make ranged killers more viable on it, unlike the other indoor maps where hallways are consistently wide

  5. 6:07 not sure if that was really a "good deadhard" u hit her before she deadharded (hence the blood coming out of her) but the game gave it to her cause of the rollback. So realistically she was downed at the pallet, not in the hallway. She used it way too late


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