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Speed builds are always a blast but when you put them on killers that have ways of gaining speed already via power or add ons then you get even more fun and crazier value! Today Hag and Clown Demonstrate just that!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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uhhh, thats not bubba in the thumbnail
2:23 2:40 so I’m a lore nerd so I spend quite a bit of time looking at the background of maps and just as you turned the corner I see the gate that’s busted open and looking at just how busted it is makes me question what the heck was that big to brake open the gate like that? I thought this was the Doctor’s map but whatever that thing was must have been a lot bigger than the doctor, were talking like elephant sized?
Red that's my boy Kenny not Bubba
No Bubba
False advertising
Bubba looked so different
so close! that is the clown
Red is drunk
13:13 people always underestimate how fast some big people can move.
I’m disabled now and my Weight has shifted to fat as I’m unable to walk much, I’m in agony if I stand long enough to make my mum a cup of tea, but 20 years back when I used to play warhammer 40k I was the same weight but more than half that weight was in muscle on my legs alone (my legs were the same build as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s sadly the rest of my body didn’t match) and boy could I shift, there was one time where we started playfighting (were all in or late teens early 20s and should have grown up by then but you know) so I end up with 5 other guys hanging off me as I walk outside before doing what amounts to a dog shaking the water off after it’s been swimming only with me it’s a bunch of friends hanging off me, they all plop to the ground and I walk back inside closing the door on them declaring victory as I’m the only one still on my feet (I did get a rip on my ear though as one of them grabbed that to try and hold on, stuff like that is like when you get a paper cut they sting like nobody’s business and take ages to heal).
Would you mind uploading videos of you losing to see what it takes to defeat you
Red do a lil bit of trolling lol
Speed clown is me doing my adhd power walks at work
I love Haste builds so much, hope to see more of this in the future !
But why not swaping Unbound(Hag) and Fire-Up(Clown) for Nemesis ? This way you can no longer respect pallet, having more PWYF values and doing more hit and run strat ?
Holy! That second game was a masterpiece, i could never play like this berserk mode haha
You should post a comp of your losses. Can help some of us learn aside from your wins!
Pyramid head tunneling build
No way out
Both range addons
Pink mori
Tbh when i saw the title i was like in my head "shoe shoe shoe shoe shoe" and then i tap on the video and i was like "SHOEEEEE"