Hyperfocus Remains a Little Too Strong IMO – Dead by Daylight

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I hope they keep Hyperfocus the same as its actually a fun perk.


46 thoughts on “Hyperfocus Remains a Little Too Strong IMO – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I see your point and while I respect it, I also know that randoms in solo queue are the hard counter (balance) to this. The average random can't be chased for 15 seconds w/out going down, and when they are on gens (and that rarely happens) they can't hit skill checks for sh*t anyways. So either you (who is running these perks) can go and unhook the random and get another 30 more seconds of game out of them, or you can get on a gen with one of them and watch them immediately miss Overcharge or the first skill check in Merciless Storm.

  2. Hyperfocus is basically a must have perk for me now after the 5th match in a row vs a Pentimento+Plaything+Jolt+Overcharge build

    I wish the devs would have added a new mandatory objective for survivors to do that has them running around more often instead of making gens even longer than they already are.

  3. As a perpetual solo queue player who seems to be the only gen focused person on my team always, I need Hyperfocus to not get nerfed. It’s the only perk making me feel like I’ll have a chance to escape because I can’t rely on my team to do gens. I agree it shouldn’t synergize tho

  4. I argue this (without constant toolbox renewal) is not as strong in most survivor groups. I ran hyperfocus amd stake out for two hours yesterday. Rarely more than one person of our group escaped. It is not THAT good. Not many people can run killers for 2 minutes every match. Most go down in under 30 seconds. So this is only so ridiculously strong in survivor hands with thousands of hours of experience. It relies on the rest of the team doing excellent chases. And this just doesn't happen on a regular basis. This is also why not many people are using it. I agree however they should take tool boxes out of the equation, as they did with medkits and autodidact.

  5. Perks that counter 4 slowdowns are necessary. They should make it so you can't stack slowdowns and then they can nerf gen speed perks. I find it silly that there are perks that affect the main objective speed anyway. Would be way easier to balance if it was universally 90 seconds every time.

  6. Everyone calling for everything to be nerfed every 2 seconds is the reason this game is becoming stale and boring. I think everyone has become so obsessed with balance that everyone has forgotten about simply having fun.

    The most balanced game in the world is only ever going to be boring. By making sure everything is balanced and nothing has the potential to be incredibly strong… You just make everyone play the exact same way every single match and limit the variety in different things you can do.

    I'm all for anything that makes sitting on a generator even REMOTELY engaging/entertaining. Survivors have had the exact same objective for over 6 years. Holding M1 on a generator for 90 seconds is the most mind numbing thing I can think of, it's why I mainly play killer. Even though matches can be frustrating, at least I'm not sitting holding M1 on a gen.

    Hyperfocus is the only incentive I have to actually get on gens now. I find them so boring. Whenever I play with my partner, if I'm not running Hyperfocus, I'll finish one gen and basically be like, "alright I'm done with gens I'm bored" and I'll just go find the killer.

    Please stop asking for this game to be as boring as humanly possible.

  7. OMG! 1% of players/swfs are using this one thing that’s new and different but possibly slightly strong for survivor and gives something that isn’t the killer the upper hand?! Holy shit Batman nerf it!😩💦 (adds red arrows and red circles to a generator)

  8. The only times I did not get good value out of "Hyperfocus + Stake Out" was when I was in chase and on hook for most of the game. Yes, I had 4 stacks and could probably get 5 stacks on any gen. If I hadn'T been in chase all game. Also, since stealth killers are mentioned, I also found it a tad difficult to get stacks when playing against Huntress. She really needs to be close and her lullaby doesn't trigger Stake Out. Not that much of a problem, I guess.
    And if someone really wanted to reserve all Stake Out stacks for gen repair, then autodidact is there to remove great skill checks from healing. Though I don't really see the point in running Autodidact + Stake Out + Hyperfocus. Might as well run a different healing perk.

  9. Man imagine if there was an old perk on the game, let's call hypothetically, Hex Ruin, that used to train people to only hit great skill checks. Then you add something that aggressively awards only hitting great skill checks. That would be insane!!

  10. There is simple reason why there is not that many survivors using this build. Gen rush is boring for both sides. I want to have chance to get a good chase, why would I use build that can deny that from me?

  11. I have to agree I play perkless with all my killers and I've done fine, I've played for a long time but I noticed in this patch getting 2 kills for me is a good game, I was wondering why gens feel like they get done the first chase you get into but I think this might be why. I was thinking to myself didn't they increase gen time? But even a fifteen second chase costs you three gens, I don't know whats wrong with this patch but with lag and other things it feels like a bad patch and also seems very survivor sided. I can play survivor no mither and nothing else and have an escape chance of 70% which too me seems off, I dont know what it is but also with pallet spawns feeling off it seems my games are mostly rng, I have to pray that a infinite doesnt spawn or just a thousand pallets to last the whole game.

  12. complains about the game constantly, asking for meta shifts and build diversity…

    complains about the first decent new build for survivors that has 0 second chance perks and requires almost a full build and time in match to pull off, as well as not being able to hold a medkit (or flashlight)

  13. Once swf's see how much they can bully killers (like a large percentages of swfs like to do) with hyperfocus more content creators will focus on it and I'm sure it will force BHVR's hand. The percentage increases it gives with certain perk synergies is so tilting already. The topic is bit of a double-edge sword, yes it needs attention so it can be adjusted, but the attention that it will receive will likely make a lot more survivor mains to run the build–and that I dont look forward too.

  14. I still haven't seen anyone discussing Hyperfocus + Stakeout in tandem with Corrective Action. Running as a duo with those perks could/should, theoretically, let both players completely remove their hands from the spacebar and still gain the insane benefits.

  15. As killer I would find this build about as annoying as four gen slow down killers as survivor you shouldn’t fix one without the other. You know why I like this build so much cause it counters the babysit gen builds killers use

  16. I agree with most of this video, Hyperfocus on its own is fine, it’s the synergy that’s the problem. Though I’d go about changing that a little differently. Instead of nerfing the perk so it doesn’t work with toolboxes, I’d rather change toolboxes to not have a 5x increased skill check chance because, frankly, I have no idea why it’s there. I’d also change it so if you hit a good skill check it ALWAYS resets your token count, even if you have Stake Out. Change those two things and the perk is totally fine imo. Hell, I’d even buff it to keep its token count if you scream while on a gen from stuff like Pain Resonance and Doctor shocks.

  17. why are people still trying to use the argument that they cannot hit great skill checks. Stake Out cancels that out, and if you cant hit greats then it doesnt matter and you're getting little to no use out of the perk

  18. Stakeout is heavily killer dependent, which is always going to hold this perk back and that's never really going to change. Also the killer has plenty of perks that hard counter Hyperfocus, like Gearhead, Pain Resonance, Lullaby, Deadlock, Coulrophobia and Distressing for example. Hyperfocus is a good perk for sure, but it suffers from the same problem Situational Awareness does, you cannot turn it off. So just like Situational Awareness suddenly becomes a liability if the killer is using Discordance and you're playing with randoms, the same is true with Hyperfocus/Stakeout, you may be in for a rough ride.

  19. I thought nothing of the perk until I ran into a SWF that sent me to Garden Of Joy and all had toolboxes + the build. I run one for not even 60 seconds and 3 gens pop across the map lmfao

  20. The perk was just released so many ppl are using it. I remember when ppl were super upset about the boons when every survivor was running them. Hopefully BHVR let’s some time pass before making a knee jerk reaction.

  21. This perk on console is an absolute waste of a slot. You can succeed a great skillcheck and the game counts it as a fail. I have so many screenshots of the needle being the great area but still failing….

    They really need to fix this, it's been a problem for years now.


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