Hysteria In DBD [Semi Rant] | Dead by Daylight

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►Video Song: FSM Team – Meloncholia
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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11 thoughts on “Hysteria In DBD [Semi Rant] | Dead by Daylight”

  1. how dense are you, that you can only see the two options where you either
    a – call a person you disagree with a godman r3tard3d baby
    b – ignores/agree with them 100%

    like, you can simply say, "meh i dont think is a big deal" without a insulting tone or a flat out insult

  2. I've known a few friends who did indeed play a lot, but the overwhelming negativity in the community drove them away.

    take Made For This. In my own experience as an M1 Killer(Pig), I haven't had much issue. Yet left and right I'm seeing people flipping out about it, calling it a perk that has completely broken the game… Off of a 3% speed boost that requires they be injured. Some loops, sure it can help out a little bit. But it's nothing to write home about.

    And I realize that may just be me not 'caring' much about something like that. I like a good, long chase. It's very engaging, sometimes I know a chase is bad for me in the long run, but I keep it going because… Well, it's just fun. And I imagine the survivor is having fun looping me, outrunning me, being able to just generally outplay me with mindgames and techniques.

    Disagree with someone and they spit venom, agree and you'll have others spit venom at you. Even if your take is chill, it WILL be villainized.

    From the deepest depths of toxicity to just an absence of empathy towards the players behind the screen, this community has become consumed by negative emotion.

    From my current standpoint, it almost looks like an addiction to it. The community WANTS to be negative, at its own throat.

    When you come across someone wonderful and chill, it really does become a highlight of your DBD day, because so much of it is likely negative.

    So I choose to fight the negative by trying to be positive, at least in my matches. But it can only do so much on my own. So maybe a movement of just being positive and taking this game less seriously will help out?

  3. Unfortunately, I don't believe there is much that can be done outside of being an example to be better. Until people realize that overreactions are often a tool used by those desperate for clout, there is no fixing DBD, its community, or even the DBD content on streaming and video platforms. Just gotta keep being the example of what you want to see and expect from people and call out whatever BS you see.

  4. There’s a way to disagree with people without mocking them, or taking their arguments in bad faith. Hysteria happens in gaming communities and irl, anecdotally it is not just DBD where this occurs. We’re all guilty of it, myself included. But people’s opinions can change over time. Often people react heavily at first because they’re newly exposed to something then calm down and form a more rational argument. That’s okay. That’s human nature. Hell my opinion on MFT has softened even if I think the perk is still absolutely vile, with usage rates to back that opinion up. Survivors aren’t stupid and although MFT undoubtedly affects killers who don’t tunnel and weaker killers more, there’s a reason everyone runs it nowadays, and also, do we really want more sweaty killers? It does have a warping effect on the game as a whole that Lithe or Addy or Resi or Windows (to give other high usage rate perks) don’t have. Even if it isn’t as strong as Old old dead hard.

    Criticism of certain mechanics is crucial for any game. And as for other stuff like making people RQ and whatever, I mean, that’s kind of natural and kind of a consequence of the game’s nature of being killer vs survivors. I don’t really see the ‘hysteria’ as being that big of a deal, I really don’t. And when something good is added to the game like Wesker or Alien or Nic Cage, people do rally around it, and a lot of the clips you’ll see are just killers of r survivors being goofy or cool techs and stuff, so I really wouldn’t say it’s all negativity.

  5. I would genuinely like to know… how yall react to things in dbd. The community is FULL of crybabies. An example is right here i. This comment section there was no disrespect. Does nobody understand a joke anymore? You all need to chill out and ask yourself why youre this pressed. If you dont agree move on i highly doubt any of you are actually offended and effected over something so silly its not that deep

  6. There's no DbD community, there's just killer mains crying because they want us survivors to stand still so they can hit us and finish the match quickly because they feel bad for having smol pp, and they take their frustration out on us.

  7. I think the most kekw moment in recent memory has to be the kerfuffle about WoO just because nobody literally had anything better to complain about but because they're so used to whining they feel like if they're not blaming SOMETHING then they're uncomfortable. Sadly, I know people irl like that too. Absolute miserable sort, total downers.


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