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I Faced A PRO 2v8 TEAM In Dead By Daylight!
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Who's enjoying the 2v8 mode?
I wish there could be a double killer mori
Tombstone myers would be hilarious in this gamemode
This is what’ll destroy this mode, being overly competitive.
Too bad I won’t be able play this mode in time
6:16 Double hit lmaoo. Yo Great team work right there.
Whens the series coming back?
Hardcore episode? Quality issue pls make in 1480p or 4k
A competitive 8 vs 2 doesn’t seem logical if they all have comms it just ruins the game
Would’ve been an 8k if your power wasn’t so bad
I didint forget about the hardcore series… HURRY UP BROTHER IM FIENDING FOR IT
I faced a bully squad 2×8 team when? 🤣
when will someone do a 1×8 vid with the other killer afk, while they do a 8k
5:48 Again 🤣🤣
Yooo those are our buddies, glad to see them here 😂
So if two people play nemesis is the double zombies?
Aint no way these wanna be competitive bums ruining the 2v8 mode already💀
D3ad plays is the fucking goat
This is why I love dead playes he acc makes fun content
can you the pig in 2v8 🐷
You can never beat a naughty bear 😂
This def should be a permanent game mode
Was the wraith a duo? didnt seem like it , he didnt really work with you too much
I’ve only played trapper in this mode, does the other killer get notified of a bear trap getting someone?
I'm shocked they actually did this game mode
Doing 5 gens in 3 min 30 sec is absolutely disgusting lol
Dope thumbnails as always 💯❤️
the bottom line is sweats keep this game alive. it got so sweaty i stop playing as a killer main year or so ago. getting back in, i only play 2v8. i played both killer and survivor and it seems fun. Trolls, toxics, tryhards will hate this game mode because it doesnt have meta perks, you cant sabo or flashlight (useless in this gamemode), and you cant troll when there are 2 killers on you. prob the reason it takes forever to find a match as killer. both killer and survivor fun if you dont take it serious.
Nice Video 👍