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Last weekend, I took part in the Dead by Daylight Streamerbowl, an event held by Sgt. Fidget to raise money for St Jude’s Children’s Hospital. And, during this event, I faced the greatest injustice in Dead By Daylight history… Here’s what happened.
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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex
#dbd #deadbydaylight #gaming
It’s sucks this happened but I don’t believe u should of been deducted points for a simple mistake by multiple parties.
Oooo that is a bummer. Something similar happened in a tournament I was in. Not Fidgets. My killer basically got 2k before we were asked to reset. After reset he got 0 and was so upset. I've played in a fidget tourney before and i love his many rules so there are no mistakes with certain things like tunneling. But there definitely needs to be a rule in any tourney that if something like this happens and there needs to be a reset then some points should still carry over. Not only are you giving the opposing team a second chance to correct weak points but also the killer losing the surprise of which killer is being used and asking to recreate what was done in the first match which isnt fair. Even if it is calculating the points in the match before reset and giving you partial credit. At least a lot of money was raised for charity ❤
These tournament rules feel like when your little brother keeps making up rules so he can win 💀
What was the reasons given for the rules? Is there a video or something with the host explaining their reasoning?
0:37 – Isn´t that a bit excessive? but yeah, I feel ya
the amount of rules is insane man atleast it was for charity because this all seems like really frustrating
I will be mad you did not check the rules he said you can use it
Why are people in the comments so pressed about this? Clearly Aaron isn't bothered, it's a casual tournament done in the spirit of raising money for St. Judes. It's not some ultra competitive scenario with players who are taking the game as seriously as possible to earn some big prize pool, they're clearly just bantering the entire match. Just enjoy the video for the fun the players were clearly having.
This tournament rules BS is such a BS! Most funny thing is that people that play with it want to brag about it when it is only a sign of you being a moron^^
Here proof: 8:30
Tears' really?
I tip my hat off to you because if that happened to me I would have lost it. Not like do anything but I would have needed to just sit out for a good hour or so. I understand that responsibility falls on all parties involved but the entire point of the mods checking your build was to make sure you didn't go in with a banned combo. Instead of deducting points and making you restart with no planning they should have not counted that match allow both teams to re-plan for about 30 mins as another match goes on and part of the payment for you was simply letting the other team know one of your perks before the game starts.
I'm happy that everyone was in good spirits and it didn't really effect you all that much but it still frustrates me just a little that the payment for you is restarting with no prep time and auto down by two points while the mods didn't really have to pay anything but an, "oops my bad."
Why were there so many rules? I mean part of me gets it, but the event organizer needs to take some accountability there. It wasn't YOU who messed up and you shouldn't be the one who pays for it since the screen shot was approved. SMH
Stuff like this just goes to show why tournaments shouldn’t go overboard with the rules.
A moderator failing to do their job should be censured and removed from the position, and in most tourneys for things like game's companies there's a rule that can be paraphrased as "if a mod okays it, it's fine, even in contradiction to prior rulings"
A proper nitpick, though? That restriction sheet is atrocious. It's not laid out in a user-friendly manner, and could really have used some formatting passes. I'd be surprised if there weren't slip-ups that didn't get caught.
If it was for a charity event then there really shouldn't have been major rules nor should they have gotten mad when you were goofing off. Honestly, everyone should have put on random funny builds and played fun to raise the money. To me this event seemed annoying and a waste of time. You should be introducing the fun side of the game especially for the kids or the charity for whatever that you were raising money for.
When to dont check your groups own rules 💀 #JusticeForAaron theres a lesson here; if you make so many rules, dont expect the players to read egery single one, have your moderator team who JOB to do that, actually do that
Just checked the rules before continuing in the video and I already see it. Deadlock and Pain Resonance can’t be combined. It’s a simple accident from everyone.
I think if they do this again they need to better spread out the rules so that it's harder to forget the rules. I wasn't even playing and I was confused as heck. I mean if anything, it was a learning moment. The judges did their best.
Ayy mistakes happen, I'm glad you guys tried to make the most out of the event despite the mishap and enjoyed yourselves 👍
It was a mistake on everyone. Since it's for charity and given the circumstances, I think it would have been fine to wipe away the missed Head On attempt and continue from there. Having to start over kills the momentum and understandably puts everyone in a dour mood. Makes the survivors feel bad, the killer angry and the mods feel terrible. #JusticeForAaron
U can’t use sound but what about the visible heart beat?
Did you show that confirmation message from the moderator to the judges (or whoever)?
so what i when thought watching this video 1:51 the banned perks do not make much sense same with the banned perk combos. 7:56 pure fuck up on their end and tossed you fully under the bus for their full blown fuck up. 8:52 this is why you both double check the builds as both the player and the mods but also why you keep the rules simple easy and maybe short so stuff like this do not happen. 12:45 what kind of rule is that. like that rule is so dumb. 15:15 is the no sound skill check thing a rule if so odd very odd rule. 17:40 can't go in basement another rule where i think why. why is going in basement a big deal?. but ending on a good note. thanks to sgt. fidget for the event and getting all that money to kids that need it, good on you for keeping a chill and level headed head over the course of this whole event. well done to you and thanks for your video have a good one.
They tell you it is okay and now the game is forfeit. I call bullshit too.
Reminds me of a similar experience I had in a tourney ☕️☕️☕️
Sucks to lose because of a few points doesn’t it 😉
that is such bullshit they even said it was good but right at the end as you were gonna win is when they call it
Someone needed to be the class clowns and we stepped up to the plate 😌! I appreciate you for inviting me onto the team for such an amazing cause, thank you! I had a good laugh with you guys 💖
I'm super super proud of everyone who was a part of this! It was such an amazing thing to witness live and it always amazes me of what the DBD community is capable of.
But probs to you for taking a step back and even having a fun time after the incident
It can be super hard for one to remind themselves of the important things and it's very inspiring to see you do exactly that.
Much love and I'm sure next time will work out a lot better 💕
Bruh. If someone working for the tournament approved it, that's on them not you. They fucked up, you shouldn't have to suffer for their mistake, that's dumb af 😑
How fn dare you.
I am the greatest injustice ever created by DBD, and I can literally prove it.
I can't believe u didn't rage at any point in the match