I Fixed Dead by Daylight

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DOWSEY goes over 3 changes that would fix Dead by Daylight’s biggest issues.

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27 thoughts on “I Fixed Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think these are all great ideas, I also think the camping solutions could be impactful. When I play killer I only ever find myself camping when all 5 gens are finished, no one is dead, and I manage to down someone. In that case I think that it's justified to at least take the one survivor to a hook and do everything I can to keep them there. Because unless I'm playing Bubba, The other 3 survivors will come scampering over to the hook and swarm it to try and get the save. Not that they should just abandon the survivor, but from the outlook of 3+ kills = killer win, if they just left and let the one survivor go they would technically win, but 9/10 you end up with one or two survivors running at the hook with flashlights clicking, and one with a toolbox to sabo it right after an unhook. Then you get the complaints and berating comments after the game for camping and still losing.

  2. I can agree with the nurse nerfs and the survivor buffs. However, dont think that killer powers should be turned off within a certain range of a hook because theres been many a game that I wouldve lost if I wasnt able to use my killer power. Not even in a camping maner either. I don't necessarily agree with camping but if someone is willing to camp and potential throw a game ad only get one kill that's that killers fault. If I play survivor and a bubba face camps me idc because I know the 3 other survivors are just gonna finish gens and ill get onto the next game. To me the biggest problem with dbd is there isnt enough game modes.

  3. Ive seen a lot of videos like this. Some people with truly overkill or wierd takes in my opinion. But this video and the ideas and chages make total sence to me. Ofcourse there should be some tweaks to prevent things, but I agree that these changes would probably work. The survivor ones, I dont know how they would be implemented, but I agree with the killer ones, more the camping in specific

  4. I feel like in game voice coms could be fun. Like make it to where killer can hear too (it would only make sense to make voice limited to a certain radius around the source) to make it even funner/realistic.

  5. I always thought a rework for her to work kinda like oni where Blinking would only be possible if a certain criteria was met would be great because it would give Behaviour more room for Future perks and Maps.

  6. ok when it comes to face camping that would be hard to work out all the issues. Lets say you get a down as bubba and then hook them anywhere and 2 survivors are trying to go for a save, you try to defend the hook then what, you would have no power and you are going to get punished for being near the hook. I don't really agree with you on how to deal with face camping.

  7. I do completely disagree with the "make everything a SWF" argument, but it's not because I think SWF is cheating or solo queue doesn't need to be buffed or anything. It's because once you buff survivor, you can't just blanket buff killer without making killers like Nurse, Blight and Artist way too strong. Artist would skyrocket from #3 to maybe #1 with just m1 killer buffs, which would also leave weaker killers like Deathslinger completely in the dust. You'd have to go through and buff every single killer individually, and it's painfully obvious that BHVR won't do that. There's just no reasonable way to do it without completely destroying the balance of the game

  8. The Nurse blink attack didn't always count as basic attacks. Before mettle of man it was a special attack. The changed it cause it didn't proc mettle of man. Then they nerfed mettle of man after.

  9. I play DBD since Release in June 2016 with all the ups and downs. Your ideas of fixing the game are absolutely awesome and I totally agree with you! DBD would be more fun for everyone with these changes. As a Solo Q player , I hope the Devs would implement it some day.

  10. My idea to stop face campig its quite simple if there is no survivor is with in 32 meters of the hook and there is no gen that its atleast 50% in the same range of the hook and the killer is with in 16. The hook should just summon the entry and grab that survivor and move him to a different hook that is advalable without showing it to the killer much like pyramid head cages do. As well you can gradually rise the range of killer detection from 16 meters by 1 for every second after first 10 seconds to stop proxy camping as well up to 32 meters this way you asure the killer has no reason sitting next to a hook without a reason yet can defend the hooked person and a down survivor or a generator or a second hooked person.

  11. They should definitely improve the point and follow emotes. This should show auras to nearby survivors as well as ping, can even point to ping gens and whatnot. Also add more like a stop emote, maybe a hide emote or something to tell the killer is coming.
    and yes, kindred basekit shoulda happened this next patch

  12. I really never liked the idea of giving more killers little to no value from basic attack perks. I wouldn't mind if they just made it to where the first blink attack is a basic and a 2nd/3rd is a special attack; that's a fair nerf to start with and rewards precision

  13. your answer to broken swf is to buff all survivors more? complete bullshit. and yes voicechat IS cheating. using a 3rd party app to gain advantage in any game is cheating. The game is designed to be played without voicechat, that is clear. you misquoted Behavior on this too. They said that yes, swf is an unfair advantage but they will not ban you for it as cheating. I get it, discord is fun but you have to admit its a crutch in this competitive game. the solution is to have a different queue for competative, ranked matches that do not allow voicechat. but the regular matches can allow.

  14. I can agree with the 1st part of the nurse nerf but the rest is… eh… she isnt unjukable if you have enought time to notice the addons and see how the player plays her. You're denyed of that if she 1 shots you tho. Base kindred is ok, i dont camp but i get camped and its annoying. Status and text i can get behind too but a ping system doesnt really belong in dbd. and finally yeah something needs to be done against camping expecially now that the gen repair speed will be slower and killers will do everything faster.

  15. I would love to see these changes! They address some of the most critical issues currently in the game without much real penalty to skilled play. Would be great to hear some of your ideas on improving anti-tunneling and a better fix to DH.

  16. I agree with most of these except for turning off the killer power when they're too close to hook, except for like maybe Bubba who's the main issue. So many killers rely heavily on their powers to move around, some killers it would just make them annoying to play in certain situations, and for several killers it wouldn't even affect them. Not to mention survivors will often, in my experience, surround the hook WHILE I'm hooking someone. I don't think killers should be published for trying to capitalize on survivor mistakes. I think there's too much that implementing this would screw over for it to be worth it.


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