12:28 bffs activates (pog time) 12:38 bffs gets no value 🙁 12:52 bffs fails yet again (how is it balanced) 12:56 BFFS VALUE 13:11 tat uses frenzy for "mobility" despite the fact it deactivates bffs which makes him 4% slower (first time legion) 13:42 bffs huge value, got the down before reaching the nonexistent pallet 14:06 a little brutal strength value in between 15:20 bffs brings gigantic value, allowing tat to reach grab range fast enough for haddie to get scared 15:26 i dont even know how they fumbled this bad 16:03 the fourth and final instant of value from bffs, literally an op addon
I got some legion value the other day
Wouldn’t this be good with thrill of the hunt
I’d smash the thumbnail
Old Legion gameplay be like:
The only reason they can't give legion a gun is because he is canadian, not american
Survivors will fight tooth and nail to not get hit by frenzy even if it’s the first frenzy😭
12:28 bffs activates (pog time)
12:38 bffs gets no value 🙁
12:52 bffs fails yet again (how is it balanced)
13:11 tat uses frenzy for "mobility" despite the fact it deactivates bffs which makes him 4% slower (first time legion)
13:42 bffs huge value, got the down before reaching the nonexistent pallet
14:06 a little brutal strength value in between
15:20 bffs brings gigantic value, allowing tat to reach grab range fast enough for haddie to get scared
15:26 i dont even know how they fumbled this bad
16:03 the fourth and final instant of value from bffs, literally an op addon
Guys i think if you get 69 tokens you should get the ability to fuck the survivors.
No 69 stacks? I’ve been decieved.
stop patroling/camping that's disgusting
The beacon is lit?? CoD Zombies reference????
you saying dies of cringe. Me actually dies of cringe bc of you
Dats a cool legion skin tbh
Dies of cringe~
This guy a way to much times Probably-