I Just Want A Healthier Dead By Daylight Where Players Don't Get Carried By Perks And Add Ons!

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I Just Want A Healthier Dead By Daylight Where Players Don’t Get Carried By Perks And Add Ons!
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30 thoughts on “I Just Want A Healthier Dead By Daylight Where Players Don't Get Carried By Perks And Add Ons!”

  1. Otzdarvas challenge was perfect, it showed that matches weren't as survivor sided as people think. The problem is that maps, add ons, perks and items are the issue. So I agree, I think some perks are so strong that they can carry people, especially when the majority of matches is against solo q players.

  2. I used to never kick gens because Im just trying to chase but now I feel like I have to because I’ve seen how wiretap especially indoor maps is bogus as hell. I looped that room In midwich that has only desks vs a huntress going in and out the room running the hallways and I could see her with wiretap trying to double back and shit since she is 4.4 she couldn’t start chase with me till about a minute

  3. Dbd believe it or not I sorta like a card game. We need the perks. Yet we hate the perks. If each survivor had locked perks with only one empty slot each for a random perk. Now this would change things.

  4. 😢 This is exactly how I’ve been feeling. I’m trying to come back but the meta just feels stale right now. And people get mad over the smallest thing. It’s pathetic. 😭 I really Hope something changes soon. I filled out the survey so fingers crossed. 🤞🏻

  5. I am guilty of using gen perks on killer, no more than 2, but that doesn't make it an excuse. I am trying to limit myself to at least 1 gen perk or none and it's freaking hard. If you really think of it, if you're good without gen perks, you'll be a GOD with them. In reality, you'll get better practice and less tedious and long games. Learning to not be gen carried is definitely an experience

  6. True. 100 percent True. When I lose i wanna feel cause i made mistakes.
    Instead it's a 4 way tie of Am I bad? Or is it the map and their perks, is it my perks, or are they subtle cheating?

    It's one thing to beat yourself up cauww you think you aren't good, but it's another thing when you are frustrated cause you can't tell of its a skill issue, a meta issue, or an anti cheat issue

  7. Why hasn't the killers gotten an incentive to hook every survivor 3 times? Like survivors have gotten borrowed time and unbreakable base kit yet killer can't get a single bonus for playing a way that's fun and allows me to chase multiple survivors instead of just tunneling 1 or 2 out early because there's 3 gens done by the time I'm on my second chase.

  8. I stopped bringing gen perks because I feel I’ve gotten to a skill level where I don’t need them but I don’t complain about any perks survivor bring or about perks that killers bring some people actually just try to play for fun and enjoy the game but then their are others who go out of their way to just message me and ask why I played a certain way I didn’t even know I was playing like I was just enjoying the game people, especially survivors take it personal when they get 4ked lmao it’s sad.

  9. I find it so silly that BHVR will just change perks or create new ones to counter certain playstyles. Instead of just ACTUALLY FIXING the core game. If you put extra sprinkles on a pile of poop, it won't improve anything at all 😭

  10. I think you touched on part of the issue here.

    That add on would be necessary against a 4 man swf actually running gens.

    But its a bit op against the typical 4 solos.

    Theres just no way of knowing what kind of match youre getting, and its not really realistic to expect to know. Its on bhvr to do a better job at bridging that gap so the difference isnt so massive

  11. I can agree with everything but the maps. While I do understand it sucks to get a bad map for your chosen killer, I like having variety. I feel like if they balanced all the maps they'd just end up cookie cutting every map. Yes certain RNG can kill you but I still like having a variety to the way each map feels. Some where you know you'll have an easier time whereas others you know shits gonna get real lol

    I can totally agree items, add-ons and perks are getting carried away. So much so that you can't even play certain killers unless you use this add-on or that one. I admit I'm almost always using Dead hard cause you just feel naked without it. Some killers do just feel impossible without gen perks. Last killer in a long time that doesn't feel like they need gen perks is Wesker and that's sad.

  12. Hell with some killers you can bring all kinds of slow down but if you have a strong team of booning, dead hard, medkit with 4 heal squads then that just means it's gonna take extra long for you to get slammed xD

  13. Literally as killer every. single. game. I. play. the survivors have nothing but dead hard, decisive, etc and then teabag at the exit gate and say gg ez in chat like they're actually good. And as survivor I get literal dumbasses who can't do jack. I could loop the killer for ten hours… And by then my teams only done 50% of a single gen… I get your pain, jay.

  14. Solo q and maps are the main issues of this game, perks like eruption would be manageable if voices coms were in the game (If you can't stop people from using them then you should make the playing field even) and most maps are horrible sided one way or the other for some killers/survivor. Complaining that people are getting carried by add-ons and perks then making a video just to show that you're better than someone at a game for giving yourself a handicap isn't helping to bring attention to these issues and makes you come off as an elitist imo. I understand that some add-ons are fucking broken (Blight and Spirit wouldn't be so high in tier lists without them) and yes you don't need the best stuff to win but not everyone has the skill to pull it off nor wants to get good enough to do it. Some people are fine just using meta as that's what gets them the most kills/escapes and I see it like bashing people for playing a game on easy mode instead of hard mode

  15. Yup, it's why I'm so confused as to why people don't find it a problem that literally only 2 killers are viable if you want to play and stay in high ranks, I wanna play trapper, I wanna play onryo, I want to play fuckin Jumpscare meyers, but I can't anymore unless it's customs cause gens start flying. The Dredge is the only thing that's keeping me still playing because I love it's playstyle.

  16. Agree with you 100% Jay wish this game would just freaking improve instead of Band-Aid fixes thinking that's the best option a 6-year-old game not improving whatsoever is downright stupid if they took this stuff seriously this game would be far more playable, fun, balanced, overall new game modes would be nice and they couldn't even do that.
    This game is getting so bland and repetitive and infuriating half the time main reason I quit 2 years ago cuz it was so infuriating going against swifs squads or a try hard killer just either side is not fun it's slowly just gets old/annoying / repetitive/infuriating etc.
    This game needs some serious improvements and not half ass Band-Aids.


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