I Killed 3 Hackers IN A ROW | Dead By Daylight

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29 thoughts on “I Killed 3 Hackers IN A ROW | Dead By Daylight”

  1. And see that's me at the end with the Feng.
    She was ready to give her life because she didn't want a free win from a hacker; and you showed her respect by taking her to the exit.
    When you find the good people in this game, give them what they deserve.
    Love. Because I'm sure they're the kind of people to boop your snoot. :3

  2. I faced the same hackers but they had super velocity and insta 2 states heal and they still t-baggin at the exit gates too bad from DbD to keep those hackers alive and their accounts working. I will not play until they do something with hackers its a shame

  3. Sadly I tried to warn people in forums about two hackers that did EXACTLY this and more. 30 second Head On stuns, 30 second blinds (infinite recharge), and insta dying to injured state, as well as deliverance x2.

    But I can't name these people on the forums (it was taken down) because I didn't have any evidence from the TWO games I had with them 1 – 2 hour in-between games matchmaking.

    I am a survivor main and being Killer with these type of players ruins the entire game…

  4. I honestly thought I was going crazy but it seems there is a bit of hacker rise now, had like 7 games in a day with either 1-2 survivors cheating. I only managed a 4k on one and got steam rolled the others but I'm proud of my okayish self lol

  5. I played against a hacker yesterday with my Pig. Dude was flying above the map every time I tried to hit him and when I slugged him during the EGC he flew himself to the exit gate. Dude had the nerve to say “GG EZ”🤣 People who cheat in video games are losers man.

  6. Dude what is it with these hackers i had one in my game the other day hooking herself so my ps4 was laggy af, the other survivors ended up being chill and we farned after she escaped at 3 gens


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