I "Mastered" The Singularity

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Dead by Daylight’s New Killer “The Singularity” from the 7.0.0. PTB. https://www.twitch.tv/CoconutRTS


38 thoughts on “I "Mastered" The Singularity”

  1. I actually wonder… If he has baskit brutal and superior with Overclock, I wonder if those 2 perks would add on to the speed of that unless its completely separate and they don't stack at all.

  2. I do think EMPs are too oppressive as they are right now but they also gotta make it so after you teleport to someone with a pod on their back makes it so it disappears.

  3. everything seems fine about this killer, really strong but survivors have so much access to EMP's to counterplay, but i do think the TP needs a cooldown slapped on it so it isnt spammed so much, even with a cooldown he'll still be super strong

  4. This is insane. This killer 100% needs to be nerfed already. Basekit Brutal Strength and Spirit Fury? Plus Haste, teleporting, infecting, and the 4 perks you can bring? That's way too much. For survivors, this killer will not be fun to play against. How often do we see DCs against Knight and Skull Merchant already? This will be worse.

    Imagine if they released a survivor that had basekit Resilence and Smash HIt? The community would be in an outrage. This is the same thing but as a Killer.

  5. I feel like he needs some kind of nerf to his kid.
    – take one ore two cams away

    -he definitely needs a cooldown on his tp.

    -Last Idear make it that you have some kind of audio warning that you
    are being aimed at by the cams.

    (A bid like they did it with Deathslinger)

  6. That does not look balanced well. I am concerned.
    You can't hide because hitbox for the pod crosshair is generous enough to slipstream you while crouched at some of the tiles and you don't have sufficient height of the obstacles to hide from a camera from above.
    you can't properly run, because he has up to 8 pods base kit, so he will track you and slipstream you, that is pretty much a given.
    you can't hide because even if you use EMP to disable the pod, he can a) use it to see your exact position, movements, any activity and quantity of people in vicinity and b) he gains all the info on you for essencially free and you have no business stopping the flow of that information because EMP does not shut the pond down in surveilance sence, and even if it did, killer would still know where the survivors are, so it's like a Demogorgon's killer instinct for traps, but for 10's of meters away from the dimensional gate with absolute clarity and ability to make best informed decision on where to go (obviously, to the place with the most vulnerable (dead on hook) people).
    and after he ports to you with slipstream your only option is to take damage and die. You can't run because he gets a speedboost, you can't use strongest tiles in the game because he has built-in Superiour Anatomy and disregards windows, and you absolutely have to predrop any pallet to separate yourself from him, and then he just teleports to you again. You are at a lose-lose situation as a survivor no matter what you actually do, and the only thing that might allow you to live, is the killer himself not utilizing his kit, because the designed counterplay in the form of EMP's does not seem sufficient at stopping whatever killer tries to do, since info flow cannot be stopped, and you are put into the situation where you MUST sacrifice resources to delay your demise for SECONDS that separate the killer from another teleport and overclock mode.

  7. I feel like this was a bit like the Knight as this may have been a concept idea or a killer that was alredy being developed for a different chapter (like alien or like FNAF) and then the deal didnt go trough and they reused it because it was too far in development alredy.

    It would have been a perfect timing to put of fnaf as FNAF is doing a lot of things now, if not then fnaf maybe put on for october when the movie releases, or more likely a alien chapter that was scraped.

  8. watsup with all these base kits ?? hes definetely getting nerfed dont get your hopes up peeps, that base kit is to op & those teleportations wont be there all game

  9. So much whining in the comments that makes me weep. I don't like the aesthetic of the killer and his power to be honest to play him as killer. But survivor, can't wait. It is a fresh take on the game and looks fun to play against

  10. Even though he's A teir they are gonna nerf him. Survivor mains cannot fathom that we need killers with STRONG powers due to the fact its a 1 v 4 and it takes them 4 mins to do their objective and double to triple that for us to do ours.

  11. seeing you play makes me realise why they did the emps the way they did, other people say that they come back too fast but if they slowed it down against you it'd make it impossible for the survivors


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