I Pissed Off The Competitive Dead by Daylight Community

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35 thoughts on “I Pissed Off The Competitive Dead by Daylight Community”

  1. Coconut second comment. Toxicity was around rank system. I loved ranked. But every single game you had survivors going you suck at rank 2. In rank 1 I’m better. Or you suck at rank 1 you play like rank 5 etc. every game was toxic. I loved the ranks. But it should be hidden from survivor to survivors. But been seen to the killer and vise versa.

  2. Let's be real, content creators like coconut are one of the reasons why the community is like this, the game isn't casual or chill, people like aryun, jrm, henz etc always showcase sweaty builds, running killers for 5 gens etc. They project this into the community and the community emulates, you can't have chill games when the content creators are not having chill games,they're playing sweaty for views and creating this shit environment.

    Most content creators are scum. You included

  3. Coco, my beautiful beautiful man. I totally got what you were saying when you first broached this topic… and I totally wasn't shocked when a lot of people didn't.

    I know this whole paradox seems so clear as day to you, and you're trying to treat people like adults but, honestly?… it's probably a good idea to explain these topics like you're talking to old ladies who've never even played pong. It sucks, and it's understandable that you just want to be heard in your own voice, but I sadly can assure you… a lot of people are not going to understand what you're trying to say.

    Just don't stop saying it, ok?

  4. Well i agree with coco, games became more harder
    Did you forget? It's a game, everyone wants to win
    Plus you cant split the casual players and comp
    I tunneal and camp every game, i hook and then when surv will be unhooked- i will tunnel , does it make me a comp player? No, i do it bcs it's EASIEST way to play
    For me to play fair- it's hard mode
    I just want easy games and i hate when the game make me to play agaisnt stronger and stronger survs
    I just play the game as devs allow me to play the game
    (Anyway i got winrate about 80-90℅)
    And i really get fun of the game
    Ofc it's all for killers
    When i play survs- i dont care, escaped or not, i just want to chase with the killer, for me it's boring to do gens, so i dont do them in my games

  5. I don't think Behaviour is doing things wrong here. Skilled players should go against other players like that. But at the same time, I don't think we should have a competitive game-mode. And I think if queuing up to a match in Dead by Daylight was anything like a competitive game, like for example, how selecting loadouts works on League of Legends, that would be horrible.

    Leave MMR as it is. It's fine. It does what it's supposed to do.

    If you just want to play casual. Then just play casual. You'll lose, because your opponents just want to win. And maybe you lose MMR enough that you start going against casual players too. But the whole: "Make matchmaking more casual like old times." In my opinion, is just an argument for people that want to play casually, and still win easily.

  6. Coconut keeps going on about "SBMM being BHVR trying to push the game into a comp direction" when SBMM was literally introduced to stop sweaty Killers going against new players and baby solo teams. People literally were jumping for joy on the forums when SBMM was announced because there was constant complaints about it on every platform.

    It'd be great if people stopped forgetting history that is inconvenient to whatever they're complaining about atm in the asym community.

    EDIT: 6:40 he partly addresses it here but that isn't a good counterargument, because people also complained about depippers and how people would depip as both roles (but especially Killer) to get easier matches, remember that?

  7. At this point they can bring jesus in the next dlc chapter and the daily player spike won't even get to 35k. Mmr destroyed the game so much for me and a lot of people, even if you are not in high mmr, just the feeling of a fabricated match that the game thinks is fair and fun is already enough to destroy the experience, i don't even blame creator's like n0ob3, dowsey or monto for quitting the game. Kill's=skill was never meant to work. People can say whatever they want about new dbd being better because it's more balanced, i am still gonna be biased and say that old dbd destroy's modern dbd for lunch any day of the week, i don't even care at this point.

  8. People really REALLY overestimate the skill needed to play dbd. That is part of the problem imo. It increases the number of players that want a more competitive side because the game effectively makes them believe they are great players even if they aren't.

    1 it hides rank and mmr so there is no way for players to know if they are good only speculation. Dunning kruger.

    2 some maps, tile rolls, and killers are so important to who wins or loses that it changes the entire outcome regardless of skill. If people don't understand the game, they will put the win entirely down to their skill.

    3 there are rule books and people constantly creating new excuses to losing. Meaning people stop excepting losses even when it is entirely their fault. But lack the knowledge to know what they did wrong.

    The list could go on forever, but the baseline is casuals bad or good are being tricked into thinking they are amazing players told every loss isn't their fault etc. The game is set up in a way to make people competitive. It's what makes it toxic. Without any definitive way to assess "skill" it will inevitably become a competitive hell hole.

  9. Current mmr is garbage because it forces me to let people escape through gates if I want to play for fun in my next games, and doing so is a huge waste of time (I do it to test meme builds, because I don't like to waste perk slots running slowdown perks, etc… u get the idea, meta is boring for me)

    Funny thing is when I let some people escape I stomp the next wave of survivors because they all have less than 1k hours… so yeah I'm just playing like in the old rank system but wasting more time and letting people escape to manipulate the system when my job as a killer is… u know kill survivors

    More chaotic and variaty matches versing both pros and babies in a same match is what made dbd fun at least for me. Now it's just feel like a sweaty fest.

    Besides nowadays I see a lot of people running the best meta perks over and over and they still don't know how to play, they are literally carried by strong perks. U don't see people with yellow or green perks anymore

  10. ‼️PLEASE READ COCONUT‼️I have a couple disagreements regarding wanting ranked matchmaking back. But for context I have been playing since 2019 I have about 4.5k hours and have been playing at very high mmr on both sides I get comp teams too and extremely hard matches. Before mmr was a thing I would win a lot on both sides, on killer I would practically win every game I always played better then my hours played. I very casually would get 100 win streaks on huntress just because the survivors I would get were below average I would get default new players constantly I was rank 1 first on survivor at 100 hours and about 150 on killer. Slaughtering people much worse than you every game isn’t fun I like to sweat most the time but sometimes want to chill of course on dbd in very high mmr that’s not possible but I do not want a casual game. The problem I have with your comments isn’t that we disagree that’s fine obviously but the fact that in those comp games (csgo, ow, R6, League etc) There rank determining systems are much much better so it makes sense. Im top rank or a high rank in multiple comp games too like gm1 in overwatch. But for dbd they would have to Improve it a lot to bring it back. I find the current system better (controversial maybe) but even being in the top mmr on pc. I think what behavior is trying to do is best but they need to make better game modes for it to work. I think another solution is a ranked mode. Competitive queue with rewards, comp rank’s leaderboards etc. im aware this would cause problems with queues but the same could be said for game modes. Amazing video btw coconut please make a follow up one! Been watching you since I started playing the game (2019) all these years later you still make amazing content.

  11. All your "evidence" for games being sweatier is youtube comments and a 200 member discord about bloodpoints. Theres like 150k people playing dbd at any given time across all platforms, this is completely irrelevant. I get Instant Dodge's swf with a 12k hr streamer one game on a killer i never play, then 10 hour survivors on my main killer that i 4k 95% of games. You're on mad copium or a big skill issue man.

  12. I hate the fact that there's survivor/killer grade in lights out. Biggest mistake they made. Made me quit playing immediately after a camper slugged me and just waited on top of me for a 4k.

  13. What I find ironic is that people say they hate comp players, but still get annoyed at certain killers or perk builds. Every killer has some kind of weakness or counterplay option, and so do perks, and comp players just know these inside-out.

  14. What I'm struggling to understand is the people who do long win streaks complaining now that they are facing fair opponents. Feels like they just want to have their easy games to stomp. I don't feel sorry for them at all.


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