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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
hey true!
You have been gnomed
# early gang
Baby huntress got got
Baby huntress rolled by a decent solo, like it, still needs her iri and exhaustion add on nerfed though.
Hey, good night!
Early gang
Urban is bad for both sides wish they would just remove the perk
3:45 Decent jumpscare ngl LMFAO
Swf shouldn’t be a thing. It’s literally masochistic for the poor killers. You know the devs fucked up when the killer is the one who dreads loading in. Sigh.
Next time you see true playing as killer. Doing one long chase for 4 mins and 1 gen is complete. Think of this game. That’s not a comment on true as he is obviously a superb player. That’s for anyone who thinks for one second the game is anything but survivor sided. Without breaking a sweat they blitzed that. Survivor is easy mode. It’s not skill or perks. It’s maths. You are either on gens or in chase. Excluding tool boxes, perks, spare parts etc that’s 80 seconds per gen. 400 total but realistically they are either worked on separately or together in which case completed quicker. You had 4 here in 240 seconds. True hasn’t even seen the killer. How people don’t understand how completely broken this game is is beyond me. In theory you could have three done in 1 min 20 seconds if one survivor gives a half decent chase and the others prioritize gens which they should be.
4 gens in 3:15 wtf…
Is beautiful seeing 4man healthy-survivor team scape. Proof that gens can be done in -5mins if survivors want
Tbh I'd quit if 4 gens were done in 3 minutes
I actually feel bad for the huntress. 4 gens done in like 4 minutes, NOED cleansed in under 20 seconds.
Why dont bhvr just make a matchmaking of everyone as the same rank in a game is very painful when I'm getting 1000 hr team n killer when I am only 150hr
Even true got down by a noob huntress lol
Strong survivors? Lol the killer is just bad
Just over 3 minutes 4 gens LOL without toolboxes, prove thyself, and one surv was being chased. Madness. How can anyone deny Genspeed is an issue!
None of the survivors were running the ds unbreakable combo; the ones that are just good at movement and gens are the scary survivors!