"I Played Better Than You" – Dead by Daylight

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26 thoughts on “"I Played Better Than You" – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think saying "we're better than you" really just means "we as a team played well enough to counter all agency you had in this situation, we played our cards better". Sure, there are cases where it's so skewed by rng that it's not fair to say, but im not sure if "we're better than you" is inherently supposed to be a 1:1 thing, because it's sorta silently appended to the end of that statement "at the game". You can tell in multi-class shooters like tf2 and overwatch, even when they're playing different classes, hell especially when they are who's better, and that comparison isn't perfect because DBD is far more asymmetric, but I think an apples to orange comparison is reasonable when the two are directly related. An unreasonable claim would be going against you as killer and saying "I'm better than you as survivor".

  2. A lot of this game is just luck. The entire course of a game and it’s outcome and be dependent on the whims of the players. Like if a killer doesn’t know where the survivors are, has no way to tell and has to guess where to look and either finds one or not can affect if the killer gets a 4K or no kills at all. You can use information to help make more informed decisions on what your current best move in the game is but that’s not always the case. Sometimes you can either be at the wrong place at the wrong time, not because you made a mistake after misreading the game or didn’t realize something but because the other team just so happed to do the right thing without even realizing it sometimes.

  3. I play survivor the most. I hardly ever get any hate but when i do it's usually an SWF. Even if they don't say anything. The other day I was doing my best to run the killer while they did the last gen. I was on first hook. Those punks just straight up left me on the hook. Outplayed. Comm Strats, "Yeah, He's getting chased, let's GTFO here."

  4. You give plenty of credit to a killer who uses map awareness to their advantage, but it seems like you don't give enough credit to survivors in this regard.
    For example, a survivor who is injured with no exhaustion perks is making an objectively terrible decision to work on a generator in a massive deadzone. They should instead look for a generator with safe tiles immediately adjacent, and ideally great line of sight to know when the killer is coming.

  5. Leather-face and skill are oxymorons. You can be a smart leather-face (that would be general knowledge about mind games, perks, tracking, awareness, decision making, etc..) But leather-face mechanically speaking should take a competent person 5 or so games to reach very close to the skill cap.

    It’s like saying someone is skilled at pressing a button, sure some may be very precise and put just enough pressure to press the button down. But 99% of people can get the job done with no noticeable difference.

    Well said about the “I’m better than you” argument.”

  6. same as when killer says gg ez or something and you're solo queue survivor and literally couldnt win, even if you loop them for 3 min and your team does nothing it's not your fault and you can help it but killer still acts like they destroyed you cuz the teamwork was bad


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