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I played as Legion without using Frenzy the whole game and I still won.
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Trapper gameplay at its finest
Does rapid brutality not work in frenzy then?
Alright let's do this one last time
Undeniable proof that Save the best for last is broken on legion
Laggy but gg lol
Teenager with knife DESTROYS SWF with broken build!!!
Frank's skipping leg day so now he's just strolling with a knife
This is basically m1 frenzy
Now imagine this but with xeno
legion if he was good (trapper)
This build is fun on Skull Merchant. It's such a relief not kicking gens all game and I like the drones better as anti-loop
Man with knife tries to mug survivors, what do you do
So you’re trapper.. but short! It’s OP
Imagine being more effective playing only M1 than using killer's power xD buff legion pls
Alright let’s do this one last time
Hey tat do you have a build you'd recommend on legion? I'm not new, but I keep losing my matches with legion. is there a build that could perhaps help my skill issue?
Frank just wasn't feeling all that frenzied today I guess
Gotta say it’s even more fun this match for the second time after watching it live (it is the exact same but i’ll still watch it so you get views 😂)
Also where’s my big red arrow in the thumbnail tat ?
Average Trapper Gameplay
and people still think mmr exists XD, nobody should be losing to no FF legion, especially on (god pallet central) aka the game