Hey Winter! At like 1:30 why did the blind not make you drop the survivor? I was playing survivor with friends in a custom game vs my other friend on killer and I did that twice where I blind the killer picking someone up and they don't drop them. Is it a bug? Am I blinding them too early?
I feel like the second 115 iri would be really fun to run without iri head because it would be so unexpected. They are assumed to be paired together so if you ran it alone it would catch them off guard like spasmodic breath
There nothing 100% about Hurtress over 80% of the hits you get with her are faults hits…. I seen on myself hits on myself that did not hit but the games give the killer free hits that never really hit
For some reason I seemed EXTRA CHILL during this game. I don't like it.
I feel like lethal pursuer and iron maiden would be really good with those iris. Though now that i see they arent healing your build was clutch
Hey Winter! At like 1:30 why did the blind not make you drop the survivor? I was playing survivor with friends in a custom game vs my other friend on killer and I did that twice where I blind the killer picking someone up and they don't drop them. Is it a bug? Am I blinding them too early?
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t make, good thing you made every shot.
I feel like the second 115 iri would be really fun to run without iri head because it would be so unexpected. They are assumed to be paired together so if you ran it alone it would catch them off guard like spasmodic breath
i see moniter but wheres whispers?
What are these survivors tho loool
Happy Pig Day Sir
“My regular Huntress build”…. with an iri head
CMWinter is either the most chillest streamer or the most toxic god like killer out there
There nothing 100% about Hurtress over 80% of the hits you get with her are faults hits…. I seen on myself hits on myself that did not hit but the games give the killer free hits that never really hit
One missed M1 because of The Almighty E.
I think I remember this exact game was this the request when someone asked for any killers ultra rare addons
Your voice is very pleasant to listen to
Oh yes the toxic huntress build how can I forget I hate it but is counter able just to put it out there
these are the nuttiest and naughtiest hatchets i've ever seen in my entire gosh dang life. max respect.
Pop and Tink works well together but for all killers? really?