The Anti-Camping Feature Is BAD For Dead by Daylight.

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47 thoughts on “The Anti-Camping Feature Is BAD For Dead by Daylight.”

  1. I think they need to add some more objectives into the game apart from hooking/repairing gens. Camping happens when you feel like you have no other option. If there's more things you could be doing then I think that could help. Downside is it's going to add complexity I guess.

  2. I just never understand why the devs just buff one side and never buff with the other side and I do hope they get ride of this anti camp system soon after they release it because it going to hurt the game then make it better and I do agree and the reason why is because of bubba I think why so why not just change bubba chainsaw at a hook other killers have things to stop them from camping like xeno takes longer to get out of those vents and hux when he goes to check on his cams when he go back he gets a slow moment speed for a little bit

  3. They should be add more Basekits that will "stealth nerf "SWF" which is where the most imbalance comes from like adding Bond & Windows to Base Kit but adding Bbq & Chili & Agitation to Killers for Basekit stuff like bond is already Basekit for sfw so its a nerf to them lol. Bonus stuff: make Gens longer to do but make Totems buffs more stronger for boons etc(more objectives), make surviviors more stealthy and lessen the pallets etc

  4. I think instead a free unhook to counter face-camping, the progress bar for the hooked survivor being face camped should considerably be slowed down.

  5. The idea is fine, the execution in typical BHVR fashion is dogshit. It doesn't actually fix camping at all, you can still do it especially with Bubba. But it does punish you for playing the game, 1 survivor looping around a hooked teammate gives them basekit deli which you know SWF's will abuse giving SWF's yet another massive advantage. Multi-floor maps are going to be horseshit because BHVR in their infinite wisdom not only decided that they were going to actively keep multi-floor hook progression (latest patchnotes confirm they are only nerfing it not removing it), but it won't even be up when the change goes live).

    Then we have the other issue which all killer players had when they first read it. Why is it whenever there is something "unfun" on survivor it gets entire mechanics changed to facilitate the survivors but whenever something is unfun on killer they do nothing about it. Oh gens have being going by at Mach 1 for the past year? Oh here's gen progression perks and massive changes to prevent 3 gens and we'll rework BNP. What's that? Everyone was holding 3 gens because they were going too fast and removing basically all gen regression is making people camp more? Oh well get rid of camping too.

    What's that? Xeno's tail isn't that punishing? Oh okay give us 2 weeks.

    Made for this has been hard meta for 3+ months and makes playing weak killers basically unplayable? We're looking into it, oh here's a coup buff so you can have something as those gens fly by at mach 1.

    Playing vs a SWF makes it feel like you're trying to go 12 rounds against Mike Tyson? Sounds good to me.

    Can't think why the killer queue times pop in 10s and survivor takes 2 mins. Instead of trying to encourage fun gameplay through rewards for playing "nice", they would rather punish killers at every opportunity.

  6. Did you notice, how almost every big bad decision is abt removing core feature of survivors gameplay? Teamwork. There are four of you at the map the point of your gameplay is to help each other survive. As much as I hate bodyblock trains, it's at least in theme.

    But when they added CoH, when they tested basekit unbreakable, now with this anticamp… They take smth that need two or more survivors, and make it so it needs only one survivor.

    They COULD do that dying progress of person on hook is slowed or even paused, when killer is nearby. Survivors still have time to do gens, but they still need to work together, to save their teammate. Basically basekit reassurance, not deliverance.

    But no. Why do we need teamwork in our 1vs4 game? Ridiculous, I know

  7. Behavior put a unfair update against the killers. It's not good to delete the camp's gameplay because because sometimes when i play as killer i have to camp for win my games or for protect my gens

  8. Behaviour really needs to stop babying survivors. Like i play both side and have high mmr in both and when i play killer they bring toolbox AND when i play survivor they STILL bring toolbox! Like fuck sake Behaviour

  9. Maybe if killer mains learned to play the game anti camping would be a problem for them some of them decide to camp and tunnel before the match even starts i main nurse myself so ive never had the problem of needing to camp

  10. The way i see it, if you can't win without camping or tunnelling, practice against bots first.
    Or simply take the loss so your MMR will lower to a level more suited to your skill, using camping or tunnelling as a crutch will only make the game worse for yourself as you get wins where you shouldnt, artificially raising your MMR to make games harder and harder so you need to camp/tunnel more and more to keep winning, this cycle can be avoided entirely by not camping or tunnelling to begin with.

  11. I don’t like the new ant face camping thingy, as survivors we have many perks for camping but they would rather have mft and dh every game instead of having atleast one perk to help their team.

  12. how about BHVR gives the killer a carrot instead of the stick for once? Why not reward the killer for going for the 12 hook like a base kit Grim Embrace? or perhaps after 3 different hooks it revels the final unhooked survivor for several seconds? Maybe take some of the pressure to camp away by adding base-kit Corrupt Intervention? If you want Killers to leave the hook, maybe a speed buff once you hook someone the first time?
    I don't know, it always seems like the killer players keep getting punished with these game-play changes, even when it seems like the fault is more bad survivor plays

  13. I’m not going to lie this anti hook mechanic won’t do anything it will hurt people that camp but all it will do is if someone wants to tunnel you out their going to camp it and force it but it would be smarter to just hold on until your about hit second stage unless it goes away if you hold to long.

  14. I like your ideas. I've considered the concept of allowing survivors to see their teammates' auras at all times. While this may initially appear to be a bit overpowered, I believe it won't significantly impact SWF groups, as they already have communication. However, for solo queue players, it would enhance coordination, potentially helping them counter camping killers.

    Competitive players have demonstrated effective strategies against camping thanks to knowing where everyone is and what they are doing. Moreover, implementing this feature could address several game balance issues. Currently, developers base their balance decisions on statistics, primarily influenced by solo queue play. This means that killers are balanced to handle uncoordinated survivors, leaving them at a disadvantage against coordinated teams like you said at 0:27.

    For instance, Legion performs well statistically, but I recall a video by Spooknloopz where he played as Legion against Eternal, and he struggled to achieve anything. By elevating the level of coordination among solo queue players with the aura reading ability of their teammates, we could reduce the need to nerf killers, perks, and strategies to maintain fairness for uncoordinated survivors, including camping. What do you think?

  15. To me it just sounds like another killer main complaining about not being able to camp and abuse the awful mechanics of this game. Camping absolutely needed to be reworked. I'm tired of playing 10 games in a row being camped and tunneled in every game.

  16. I'm a competitive player with over 9.4 k hours in this game so i think i have enough expirience to say my opinion, putting this mechanic in the game is bad that's it, there are situation where camping is nececary or even just gives you a big advantage cause maybe survivors went down in a bad spot and you camping them is the punishment to a mistake, bhvr can't just give a free get away card like this when it's the survivors fault if they are in that situation

  17. See I think they are making this change with the goal in mind to see killer matches drop in wins and then they can balance around it again. They can’t buff killers if the avg kill is high enough and if it’s due to the aid of camping then if they take that out it can aid in more fun gameplay. I will say tho playing killer means you gotta sweat and playing survivor means it’s casual. That’s how I see it. You gotta sweet your ass off as killer to get pips, survivor you get them easily even if you die

  18. Yet another huge buff for SWFs. Now they'll get rewarded for their bullying and excessive altruism 100% of the time no matter how many mistakes they make, camping a hook for a hot 20 seconds to force them to get off the gens they're rushing and actually think is no longer a viable strategy; now they get to send only one of them to unhook for free and finish the gens in 5 minutes every single time they're not too busy bullying.
    On top of removing hook grabs it really feels like they want to punish killers for hooking. But then again they also punish killers for not instantly grabbing someone they downed and getting blinded in the process, thanks to MFT and buckle up.
    I'm not interested in completely stomping solo queue survivors in 5min matches (to the point I have to constantly let some go because I feel terrible) to then get bullied by SWFs with no counterplay whatsoever in the next and I don't enjoy nurse so if they're so focused on removing all counterplay to SWFs aside from picking nurse I'll probably switch to playing survivor only or another game completely. Let them have their back to back nurse matches from the 3 remaining killer players after 10min queues. That's the endgame apparently.
    Watching survivors spend the whole match BMing the killer instead of trying to escape from them is simply not the reason I picked up this game.

  19. Funny how you argue in this video that BHVR should stop "slapping bandaid fixes instead of addressing the root cause(s) of the problem(s)", yet you literally suggest another bandaid fix straight afterwards – but one that is killer-sided. You lost your credibility when you went against your own principles by suggesting a "basekit corrupt intervention" for killers, when the main point of your video was literally how BHVR adding more basekit features was unhealthy for the game as it wasn't a proper solution. You perpetuate the very thing you are complaining about – BHVR catering to "crybabies who moan about how difficult survivor/killer (whichever side they main) is", by doing the exact same thing as the complaining survivors, except for the killer side. In short, your video is blatantly hypocritical and only attracts like-minded killer-favoured players who dislike the fact that survivors are receiving a slight buff. Don't use the pretense of caring about the health of DbD when you are so clearly a part of the problem you talk about.

  20. Another example is when you down somebody in the exit gate now you have to bring them to a hook where no matter how they get off that hook they are going to make it through the exit gate because of base kit borrowed time.

    So what do you do? If you leave and go after another survivor as soon as you hit that survivor they are going to use the speed boost and shoot out the gate while their friend unhooks the survivor that you just hooked. It's like now you are not gonna get any more kills during end game collapse once the gates are opened unless that person is already on death hook. Unless I'm wrong some one please let me know

  21. Careful spreading common sense on your videos, and touching the wound.

    Last person to do that got accused of being racist.

    Funny thing is, everyone is complaining how the game is Kill focused now, instead of hooks.

  22. Ive already dropped the gsme again, couldn't stand the stupid decision of nerfing Alien because he was OverperFoRmIng DUE to a bug.

    Ibtead if you know, fixing rhe bug, and let rhe killer operate as intended.

    Now this. This is going to be one if the worst metas this game has ever had

  23. Everyone looks at camping but this update removes the killer being able to use a teams altruism against them. Wether it’s camping or proxy camping an entire play style has been removed from killer do to fun. Most killers don’t find body blocking fun yet they sent going to touch that. What if they put a system in where you got injured from crouching to bad. Camping was at its worse with the chainsaw killers. They should have changed bubba and the other guy so they couldn’t just straight up insta down a whole team from unhooking. Camping is toxic but dbd is a toxic game sometimes you get good players sometimes you get bad but they shouldn’t be removing and entire play style from killers. It would have been better to teleport the survivor to the farthest hook with their aura turned off. Would have been better than giving a free unhook

  24. I may not always agree with your takes/opinions on certain aspects of this game, however that "butt" transition was a thing of beauty.

    I will drop some respect here and be on my way. Have a great day/night. 🤙🏼


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